Hi László,
Regarding your questions:
In any case this column (Relationship) is always empty in my database. Is there any way to fill it? But maybe it is not what I think it is.
=> The relationship information is the INDI:ASSO:RELA tag. Both tags ASSO and RELA are described here:
https://docs.ancestris.org/books/user-guide/page/tags. You can indicate whaever relationship you want in RELA. Generally, the relation does not an existing linear relationship but it is up to you to decide.
The Sosa ID is good and mathematically correct and unequivocal, but is there a way to translate it into a human language, say into English. English is not my native language.
=> I do not understand what you want to translate there. Sosa ID data is a number.
Ancestris has different language settings for reports and the user interface. So I am aware of the linguistics challenge in generating kinship relationships in all the supported languages.
=> Not sure what you are asking here. What language wold you like reports to be in ?
Best regards,