Have you modified your installation ?
It seems that you were able to launch the software last year in June :
http://forum.ancestris.org/index.php?topic=2436.0Ancestris64 needs a Java 64 bit installation to run.
You can find the log file in the directory : %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\.ancestris\trunk\var\log
(replace trunk by 0.9 or 10 regarding the version you use).
You can define the Java installation in the configuration file located in Ancestris directory (ancestris\etc).
Open the ancestris.conf file and modify the line : #jdkhome="/path/to/jdk"
to reflect your installation (remove the leading #)
Google Translation :
Har du ændret din installation?
Det ser ud til, at du var i stand til at lancere softwaren sidste år i juni:
http://forum.ancestris.org/index.php?topic=2436.0Ancestris64 har brug for en Java 64 bit installation for at køre.
Du kan finde logfilen i kataloget:%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\.ancestris\trunk\var\log
(erstatt trunk med 0.9 eller 10 angående den version, du bruger).
Du kan definere Java-installationen i konfigurationsfilen i Ancestris-biblioteket (ancestris\etc).
Åbn filen ancestris.conf, og rediger linjen: #jdkhome = "/path/to/jdk"
for at afspejle din installation (fjern det førende #)