ENGLISH / Re: Add property not in the list - but should be
« on: July 20, 2023, 17:56:12 »
Look here:
Gedcom 5.5:
page 29. There you see the EVENT DETAIL, CAUS is part of that.
Now the EVENT DETAIL is part of a lot of things as you can see in that specification. Among others:
BIRT, DEAT, ADOP, BAPM and many more. (page 31, but on many other pages too)
So that means CAUS can be used for many events. You use it for cause of death, but it could have many other meanings.
CAUS of adoption could be the death of a brother or sister, and another brother or sister adopting their children.
So in my opinion it is correctly used.
Page 38 says:
CAUSE_OF_EVENT:={Size=1:90} Used in special cases to record the reasons which precipitated an event. Normally this will be used subordinate to a death event to show cause of death, such as might be listed on a death certificate.
So it can contain 90 characters.
The CAUS itself cannot have a NOTE, but the EVENT DETAIL in which it resides, can. (page 29)
Same for Gedcom 7.0.5:
(different pages, so you would have to look it up there)
Gedcom 5.5:
page 29. There you see the EVENT DETAIL, CAUS is part of that.
Now the EVENT DETAIL is part of a lot of things as you can see in that specification. Among others:
BIRT, DEAT, ADOP, BAPM and many more. (page 31, but on many other pages too)
So that means CAUS can be used for many events. You use it for cause of death, but it could have many other meanings.
CAUS of adoption could be the death of a brother or sister, and another brother or sister adopting their children.
So in my opinion it is correctly used.
Page 38 says:
CAUSE_OF_EVENT:={Size=1:90} Used in special cases to record the reasons which precipitated an event. Normally this will be used subordinate to a death event to show cause of death, such as might be listed on a death certificate.
So it can contain 90 characters.
The CAUS itself cannot have a NOTE, but the EVENT DETAIL in which it resides, can. (page 29)
Same for Gedcom 7.0.5:
(different pages, so you would have to look it up there)