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Messages - mother10

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ENGLISH / Re: Add property not in the list - but should be
« on: July 20, 2023, 17:56:12 »
Look here:
Gedcom 5.5:
page 29. There you see the EVENT DETAIL, CAUS is part of that.

Now the EVENT DETAIL is part of a lot of things as you can see in that specification. Among others:
BIRT, DEAT, ADOP, BAPM and many more. (page 31, but on many other pages too)

So that means CAUS can be used for many events. You use it for cause of death, but it could have many other meanings.

CAUS of adoption could be the death of a brother or sister, and another brother or sister adopting their children.

So in my opinion it is correctly used.

Page 38 says:
CAUSE_OF_EVENT:={Size=1:90} Used in special cases to record the reasons which precipitated an event. Normally this will be used subordinate to a death event to show cause of death, such as might be listed on a death certificate.

So it can contain 90 characters.

The CAUS itself cannot have a NOTE, but the EVENT DETAIL in which it resides, can. (page 29)

Same for Gedcom 7.0.5:
(different pages, so you would have to look it up there)




Well I would say, dont base your conclusion of using Ancestris yes or no, on the fact that the tree comparison does work.

Because you might get errors because of importing problems from MyHeritage.

I got a lot of errors when I imported a file from my old program into Ancestris.

So I studied the docs (in English, while I am Dutch)
There were no Dutch docs last year, so I decided to translate the guide into Dutch.
That did not only give me a Dutch guide, but it also helped in being convinced I can do with Ancestris anything I want.

And when there might be things missing, the team is more than willing to help you.

Here and there I added extra screenshots and explanation in the translation.
So if you look in the Dutch guide and have that translated page by page by Google, you might find more info here and there.

Maybe this will do the trick for you:

Enter the url of the Dutch page and it will translate in English.
Translation might not be optimal, and screenshots stay Dutch, but it might help you.

Just jump over to Ancestris, use version 12, not 11 (that one is missing a lot of new features.)

I created a little index page here:
It has the names of the English pages right after their Dutch names, so you might be able to get to the page you want. (use onpage search for that)

Not all pages are translated yet, but 80% is done.

Have fun!!



Last year, when I started to use Ancestris, I had the same problem.
Because of the "freedom" the old program gave me when entering places, the Gedcom that was exported turned out to have a lot of problems when importing it to Ancestris.

All place information, name, zipcode, province, country, was in 1 field. Written down in no format at all.
So Ancestris had no way of knowing what that fieldcontents contained. Just as Zurga said.

My advice would be to first make sure there is a proper PLAC statement in the Gedcom header of your files.
Read this page about it:

Think about what you want inside the format, maybe something like:

2 FORM neighbourhood, postal code, city, county, state, region, country

When that is done, do as Zurga said. Go to the table of places, and look in what column Ancestris put your information.
With your mouse move the contents to the correct column.
Split up the contents if it looks something like "abbey of surrey in Northern England". Make sure to change that into what it should be in the correct columns.
When you have done that for all places you have, you can ask Ancestris to look up the places on the map for you.
Hopefully most of them will then be found and have map coordinates.

The others you have to do by hand.
Yes a lot of work.
I had to do around 800 of them.
Thanks to the "freedom" my old program gave me.

Now I am very glad I use Ancestris. It keeps the Gedcom standard for 100% so no more problems with information that might be lost, or mis-interpreted.

You said you had 2 gedcoms. Ancestris allows you to have 2 files inside it. That way, correcting a place in 1 file, you might find a similar place in the other and can correct it at the same time. But make sure you know in what file you are working.

Hope it helps a bit


ENGLISH / Re: Add property not in the list - but should be
« on: July 03, 2023, 08:04:37 »

As Zurga said, it is not in the Gedcom standard yet.
What you could do are 2 things:

Go to the forum of the group that is working on the latest Gedcom standard version, and in their forum ask to have this tag added.
You can find it here:

Until the tag is added to Gedcom (if this group will think it will be) you could add the information like this
Add a Note tag, on the first line add MDCL. Just that, only those 4 characters.
On the next lines you can add the information, preceded by, for instance, DATE: , or COND: , or RSLT: etcetera.

That way other programs will not skip the info, they will just process it as any other note.

In Ancestris you can then create a report, with just this info, see the TODO report. You would use MDCL instead of TODO.

If that tag will ever be added, you can add the info from your notes into that tags sub-tags, by hand.



Merci beaucoup pour votre message.

J'ai écrit mon article dans le forum parce que j'aimerais savoir comment les autres voient ces rapports Gedart.

Le faire n'est pas vraiment un problème pour moi car j'ai une formation en programmation. Et HTML et le style ne posent aucun problème non plus.

Mais j'aimerais savoir quels problèmes rencontre quelqu'un d'autre qui (avec moins de connaissances) veut ajuster un rapport Gedart.

Ensuite, je peux essayer de donner plus d'explications à ce sujet dans le guide Ancestris, afin que d'autres puissent, espérons-le, ajuster plus facilement un rapport Gedart.

Dans la référence que vous avez donnée, je trouve déjà beaucoup d'informations que je peux utiliser pour développer la description de la personnalisation des rapports Gedart.
Alors merci beaucoup pour tous vos efforts !

Et pour les lecteurs :
N'ayez pas peur de décrire vos problèmes. Qu'est-ce qui vous manque dans la description du guide qui pourrait vous aider.

Si nous travaillons tous ensemble, quelque chose de beau en sortira !

Tineke (Mother10)

FRANÇAIS / Re: Format des lieux
« on: June 25, 2023, 13:34:27 »
Maybe this helps ???

(sorry cannot write French)

When you follow the link below, you get the page from the Dutch Ancestris guide that explains in more detail how to do this:

It is the Dutch page, translated by google into French, only the screenshots stay Dutch but even then it might be usefull.

Please let me know if this helped you.

Tineke (Mother10)

Peut-être que cela aide ???

(désolé je ne peux pas écrire le français)

Lorsque vous suivez le lien ci-dessous, vous obtenez la page du guide néerlandais Ancestris qui explique plus en détail comment procéder :

C'est la page néerlandaise, traduite par google en français, seules les captures d'écran restent en néerlandais mais même dans ce cas, cela pourrait être utile.

S'il vous plaît laissez-moi savoir si cela vous a aidé.

Tineke (Mother10)

Hello Everyone!

This is a call for all those people using Ancestris, who tried to change or create there own models/templates for the GedArt reports.

I've been busy for some time now, to translate the user-guide into the Dutch language.
Doing the above mentioned page I wondered if there were any "homemade" templates for this reports somewhere in your position.

If you ever looked at creating your own, I would very much like to know if you succeeded.
And more important, if you did not succeed, what were the problems you encountered.

Maybe I could add some more info in that page, to make it easier for you to create/modify one.

Let me know your thoughts and ideas.
I would very much appreciate that.

Tineke (Mother10)


Hello Everyone!

This is a call for all those people using Ancestris, who tried to change or create there own models/templates for the GedArt reports.

I've been busy for some time now, to translate the user-guide into the Dutch language.
Doing the above mentioned page I wondered if there were any "homemade" templates for this reports somewhere in your position.

If you ever looked at creating your own, I would very much like to know if you succeeded.
And more important, if you did not succeed, what were the problems you encountered.

Maybe I could add some more info in that page, to make it easier for you to create/modify one.

Let me know your thoughts and ideas.
I would very much appreciate that.

Tineke (Mother10)

EN FRANÇAIS ----- (Merci Google)

Bonjour à tous!

Ceci est un appel à toutes les personnes utilisant Ancestris, qui ont essayé de modifier ou de créer leurs propres modèles/templates pour les rapports GedArt.

Je suis occupé depuis un certain temps maintenant à traduire le guide de l'utilisateur en néerlandais.
En faisant la page mentionnée ci-dessus, je me suis demandé s'il y avait des modèles "faits maison" pour ces rapports quelque part dans votre position.

Si vous avez déjà envisagé de créer le vôtre, j'aimerais beaucoup savoir si vous avez réussi.
Et plus important, si vous n'avez pas réussi, quels ont été les problèmes que vous avez rencontrés.

Peut-être pourrais-je ajouter plus d'informations dans cette page, pour vous faciliter la tâche d'en créer/modifier une.

Faites-moi part de vos pensées et de vos idées.
J'apprécierais beaucoup cela.

Je ne parle pas français donc si possible répondez en anglais. (sinon je vais le faire traduire par google  :) )

Tineke (Mother10)

Je ne suis pas un habitué de l'éditeur GEDCOM , cependant je viens de rentrer la valeur Y , mais j'ai toujours l'anomalie bien que ''Ignorer les anomalies avec _VALID'' soit coché dans Validation.

English text:
For those who might have problems understanding the Gedcom editor:

The Dutch translation of the Gedcom editor page, has some more screenshots and explanation.
If you follow this link, you get that Dutch page, translated into French so you can read it, and hopefully understand Google's translation.

The screenshots are still in Dutch but nevertheless it might help in understanding the Gedcom editor a bit more.


Texte francais : (Merci Google)
La traduction néerlandaise de la page de l'éditeur Gedcom contient encore des captures d'écran et des explications.
Si vous suivez ce lien, vous obtiendrez cette page néerlandaise traduite en français afin que vous puissiez la lire et, espérons-le, comprendre la traduction de Google.

Les captures d'écran sont toujours en néerlandais, mais cela pourrait aider à mieux comprendre l'éditeur Gedcom.


ENGLISH / Re: Plaatsnamen
« on: April 02, 2023, 19:13:10 »

De nederlandse vertaling van de userguide is onderweg.
Dit hoofdstuk is al klaar, zie bij:

Met vriendelijke groeten,

FRANÇAIS / Re: Partage d'arbre samedi 4 mars 2023
« on: March 01, 2023, 16:21:58 »
Hello Zurga,

You are right, but people might noy think of it or too late.

So thats why I mentioned it.

Kind Regards,

FRANÇAIS / Re: Partage d'arbre samedi 4 mars 2023
« on: March 01, 2023, 15:31:49 »

Sorry to ask, but why is this message only in the French forum?
So far I myself have no French ancestors, but others might have.

And it would also be a way to test if, and how, things work.

Maybe these kind of messages could be in the News Forum?
That would only require to create the message once.
And people might have set notification marks for the News Forum, so thay would be notified automatically.
Just a thought. :)  :)

Kind Regards,

ENGLISH / [solved] Re: Some wishes for Ancestris
« on: February 18, 2023, 21:00:22 »
Great, thanks for the work.
Some things I know now, but did not know then.

Happy user here!

ENGLISH / [Solved] Re: Adding many Dutch Repositories in one go.
« on: February 15, 2023, 18:40:12 »
For the Dutch readers:

Ancestris version 12 now has a list of 262 Dutch repositories.
Make sure you have updated Version 12!

You can get to them from the menu "File / Open Repositories Reference" ("Bestand / Archieven referenties openen")
You can view them by opening the Entities table (Entiteiten tabel).

ENGLISH / Re: Problem loading GEDCOM file
« on: January 08, 2023, 16:29:44 »
Hallo Jan, Dutch here too.

Coming from Aldfaer. Lots of errors at first also. But when you look closely it might be _xxxTAGs. So tags from Legacy itself, non standard Gedcom tags. They start with underscore.
It is what Zurga said. if there are patterns, they are more then willing to adapt the import for Legacy.

In the near future there will be a complete dutch guide too (only partly now), working on that. Hopefully more about importing and conversion also.

Getting your Gedcom to convert is sometimes troublesome, because lots of programs seem to use their own "Tags", not complying to the Gedcom standard.

But Zurga does a great job in getting the most out of it, so stay tuned!
There is a lot in the pipeline.
What version are you using?


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