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Messages - JoPol

Pages: 1 [2]
ENGLISH / geo plugin collecting data for sparql plugin
« on: October 08, 2012, 17:49:36 »

In the mashup help page for the SPARQL plugin, I describe a manual procedure to collect external data. It is a tedious task and probably too technical for many users. So it could better be automated. As the geo plugin already uses geonames, it could do the first step. I made a start with the next steps. Could you / do you want to build that into the geo plugin? Is the geo plugin aware whether the SPARL plugin is installed or not? Other  thoughts, objections?

Help page:

Attached is my interface so far. I have not decided yet about a proper package name. It will need more options to decide what is wanted and what is not wanted from dbpedia.

« on: October 05, 2012, 09:10:33 »
I don't understand everything of #4, to avoid possible cofusion: the exception is thrown because the user did not specify a query file in the options tab. The help pages have examples of these queries.

« on: October 05, 2012, 06:27:20 »
Of course. But I have a full time job and I'm not jumping through hoops to install NetBeans and the learning curve to work with it. I hope someone else jumps in. It is OK with me me if someone even wishes to completely redesign the user interface.

« on: October 04, 2012, 20:46:17 »

ENGLISH / too long labels
« on: October 04, 2012, 19:02:23 »
See attachment. I guess the width of labels should not be fixed but adapt to their content.

ENGLISH / Re: mash-up help page
« on: October 04, 2012, 17:43:41 »
The title of new help page appears in the contents tree, but the content does not appear. I examined all 4 XML files but don't see the difference with the other pages.

ENGLISH / mash-up help page
« on: October 03, 2012, 19:18:35 »

I guess the new mash-up help page for the SPARQL plugin is about ready for a thorough review. Where do I need to clear some mud with rephrasing?

Updates did not work for me since the 0.7 release. So I tested the page only with browsers. I suppose I need some new beta build that does update so I view the real help pages myself. Thanks Daniel for the typo's you fixed already.

The FAQ about collecting external resources might be intimidating to many users. If the mash-up potential sounds interesting enough, perhaps the geo-plugin could automate some of these steps.

FRANÇAIS / Re: Exporter la table
« on: October 01, 2012, 10:17:09 »
Please go to the help pages. You need to save the examples of rules and queries and fill in their file names in the options panel.

FRANÇAIS / Re: Exporter la table
« on: September 30, 2012, 18:37:30 »
You could also write your queries (=requêtes?) directly in SPARQL.

FRANÇAIS / Re: Exporter la table
« on: September 30, 2012, 18:19:43 »
The plugin with SPARQL based reports might be of help. Make a local copy of the XSL and choose XML output. Paste the result into a spreadsheet.

Actually I'm working on a help page to create reports from a command line. It can produce csv output what can be read by many spread sheet tools. Follow the link "more than you want to know" on the help page under construction. Use the option "--help" to learn more about the commands.


Somewhere else I already proposed something with the power of
Just drag the persons you want on a canvas. Add their relatives, even multiple spouses. An option to let the size of the node adjust to the content or the other way around. Something like the blueprints of the dynamic tree-view. Options to arrange automatically, mirror sections or arrange manually....

It is the combination of automation and manual manipulation that brings real power to tell some story with a picture.

Out of curiosity I tried my suggestion to put html encoded content in the name. No luck. The html syntax uses / for closing tags and gedcom uses the same / as a separator. You can store it, but the YEd import does not recognise it.

In practice it quickly appeared too hard to maintain. But YEd does import .ged files with limited options. Just names and optional birth and death dates. You can manually add photographs as icons. Hint: export a limited version of your gedcom, or afterwards cut connections with the parts you don't want, rearrange and delete the unwanted sections. Warning: fitting nodes to labels causes overlapping dates.

A workaround could be a special export abusing the names with the desired embedded HTML content. Not sure it would actually work.

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