Ancestris Support > ENGLISH
jena upgrade
Hi Jo,
The Jena Library wrapper module now contains the jar you pointed out in your first message. Hope that it will fit your requirements.
thanks Daniel.
It should allow to create proper a classpath in the .bat / .sh files.
The promised background and another problem:
I'm an eclipse-maven developer and trying some stand-alone development for my plugin. The screenshot shows my improvised environment to implement some new main classes. The new mashup page explains these batch commands under construction. The rewritten to-do page explains how they could be embedded in the GUI, but don't feel obliged, definitely not yet: I need to do further tests.
The pom.xml is mavens equivalent of ANT's build ==edit: maven resolves the indirect dependenceis automatically==. The semweb package is happy with just jena. Most sources compile when I also add open-ide to the pom, and add ancestris-core.jar manually to the classpath. I don't mind that the plugin class does not compile and the gui-class might not run, but it was a nasty surprise to see that the gedcom reader relies on on genj.util.swing: how many more jars would I need? The gedcom I tried to read does not even contain embedded images.
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