Sorry slightly confused by this.
I currently have:
C:/FamilyHistory <-- my gedcom file here
C:/FamilyHistory/Documents <-- no files
C:/FamilyHistory/Documents/Census <-- census documents
C:/FamilyHistory/Documents/ParishRecords <-- church documents for baptism, marriage, burial
C:/FamilyHistory/Documents/... <-- subdirectory for each media type
Are you saying if I get rid of the "Documents" level so I have ...
C:/FamilyHistory <-- my gedcom file here
C:/FamilyHistory/Census <-- census documents
... other subdirectories for document type
relative file paths will be stored when I add media files?
With approx 1200 media files already it will be quite a bit of work to move them all (yes I know the media manager tool can help) so I don't want to get it wrong and totally mess things up.