Hello everyone,
I will also post this in the French forum and in the Dutch one. That way, it will have a broader reach.
Since yesterday, I've started working on the Almanac in Dutch, focusing on Dutch events.
In doing so, I'm also closely examining similar Almanacs in other genealogy programs.
And I noticed that in HTML or PDF output (not in a timeline within a program itself), links are also displayed.
So, for example, not only mentioning the birth of Napoleon or a battle or something similar, but also including a link where more information about that event can be found.
That seems very useful to me, but at the moment, it's not possible in Ancestris.
It seems like a very useful addition. This way, you save a lot of text in the almanac file itself, but people who want to know more about that event can easily look it up.
Just not in the timeline overview in Ancestris itself.
The links often go to Wikipedia, but other links are of course also possible.
But as mentioned, this should be accompanied by a setting parameter, allowing users to choose whether they want this feature in the output or not, and no links in Ancestris' timeline itself.
I thought I'd make a post about it since a "TITLE:" has also been added to the almanac recently.
If the almanac is already being worked on, this might be something to consider adding as well.
So, I'd like to ask if you could indicate whether you think this would be a valuable addition.
Best regards,