Ancestris Support > ENGLISH
My proposition still holds: what we could consider is doing an export facility for the program you are talking about... What is it please ?
Did some more checking, because i wondered why in that online program, for other tree-owners, names looked correct.
I checked the gedcom from 2 Dutch programs:
This is the most wellknown Dutch program. I looked in my own tree, because there are a lot of people with a lot of fisrts and lastnames.
And the 5.5.1 gedco, coming from Aldfaer, has NO GIVN-tags. Not one!!!
ALL info about first and lastnames is inside a NAME tag, so i can have things like:
--- Quote ---1 RIN 1063876987
1 NAME Willem Jans (Jan)/Haijes (Haeijes, Heijes, Heije, Hais)/
2 _SURNAS Hayes
2 DATE BEF 1778
--- End quote ---
I cannot check how that might look inside that online service, because i dont use that.
And i didnot check if this is according to the gedcom specs.
This is also a wellknow Dutch program but not used as much as Aldfaer.
Example from there:
--- Quote ---1 NAME Bernhard Leopold Frederik Everhard Julius Coert Karel Godfried Pieter/van Lippe Biesterfeld/
2 GIVN Bernhard Leopold Frederik Everhard Julius Coert Karel Godfried Pieter
2 SURN van Lippe Biesterfeld
2 NOTE prins der Nederlanden, graaf van Lippe, vorst zur Lippe, prins zur Lippe-Biesterfeld
--- End quote ---
This is certainly NOT according to the gedcom specs either, because there are no comma's.
Conclusion (carefully, because this is just a very quick lookup) it seems gedcoms from other programs do not have a comma inside the GIVN tag, or have names and surnames etc NOT in a GIVN tag, so the error might never happen with data coming from other programs.
No idea further yet.
--- Quote from: FredericL on January 09, 2024, 19:40:01 ---My proposition still holds: what we could consider is doing an export facility for the program you are talking about... What is it please ?
--- End quote ---
That program is what i mentioned in my other post: Genealogie online.
Good morning,
Thank you all so much for your nice reply.
Yes indeed as Tineke mentioned the other program (in fact website because I upload the gedcom file over there) is online service: "genealogieonline", url:
This service is not only in Dutch but also in English.
With the MyHeritage gedcom the output via them looks like this:
Family tree Jager en Dijkstra » Jochem Hanzes Jager (± 1773-1836)
Personal data Jochem Hanzes Jager
With the Ancestris gedcom the output via them looks like this:
Family tree Jager en Dijkstra » Jochem Hanzes (Jochem, Hanzes) Jager (± 1773-1836)
Personal data Jochem Hanzes (Jochem, Hanzes) Jager
First name Jochem, Hanzes.
So I get extra data between brackets and an additional line First name which I would like to avoid. This all because of the extra comma in GIVN.
Yesterday I asked them if they already have Ancestris clients and if they maybe could change it from their side. However the last time I communicated with them it took a couple of weeks before they replied.
An export facility as Frederic mentions where the comma is deleted in the GIVN line could solve this issue.
Many thanks.
Best regards,
Sjoerd Jager
Hello Everyone,
In answer to:
--- Quote from: sjager on January 10, 2024, 09:29:36 ---Yesterday I asked them if they already have Ancestris clients and if they maybe could change it from their side. However the last time I communicated with them it took a couple of weeks before they replied.
--- End quote ---
The website Sjoerd and I mentioned has a page showing where there information comes from, so what the original programs are, that were used to input info on that website.
Unfortunately that page gives no date, so i dont know how old this info is.
You can find the page here:
As you can see Ancestris there is on position 34, with only 17 users putting there Ancestris gedcom on this website.
When you look closely to the top programs, you get an idea of the percentage of users of "Genealogie Online" (which is a DUTCH, and VERY WELLKNOW website in our country), and also from what programs their information is coming.
As you can see Ancestris is not (yet) very wellknown overhere. :(
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