Ancestris Support > ENGLISH

Can I access individual properties of an alias in the HTML in dynamic tree


I would like to a custom display for objects in the dynamic tree that displays the first name field of Aliases. So far I can add all of the alias fields but cannot find a way to limited only to the first name field.

I have tried <prop path=INDI:ALIA:NAME:GIVN> and <prop path=INDI:ALIA:GIVN> both of which return nothing, if I limit it to <prop path=INDI:ALIA> It returns multiple fields from the object.

Below is the HTML code


<body bgcolor=#fffdba>
<table border="0" width=100% bgcolor=#fffdba color=black>

<tr valign="top">

<td width=0><media max=25></td>
   <table border="3" width=100% bgcolor=#fffdba>
           <td width=10><prop path=INDI:SEX img=yes txt=no></td>
         <td><table width=100%>
               <td valign="top">
                  <b><prop path=INDI:NAME:GIVN max=50></b>&nbsp;<br>
                  <prop path=INDI:ALIA:NAME:GIVN>
               <td align="right">
                  <font color=blue><b><prop path=INDI:_SOSADABOVILLE></b></font>&nbsp;<br>
                  <prop path=INDI>&nbsp;

ALIA from GEDCOM 5 is a link to another individual.
There is no tag ALIA:GIVN.

The "normal" way to add an alternate name is to create a new NAME structure
Basically, you could then use : <prop path=INDI:NAME?1:GIVN>

Another way to do it is to add a nickname (tag NICK).

If your alias is indeed a link to another individual, you can try <prop path=INDI:ALIA:*:..:NAME:GIVN>


How do I create a new name structure? I tried using "other names" but that did not appear to work when I changed the form to <prop path=INDI:NAME?1:GIVN>

ETA: I it figured out, I just needed to change the index.


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