Author Topic: Two Questions: How to Add Second Burial || Creating Source Reports  (Read 8722 times)

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Offline KayHarmon

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Good Day!

Thank you for this wonderful program! I appreciate all the hard work!

Question 1:  how would you add a second burial for a person? For example, a young man who was shot in Europe during the war and buried in France.  Then, several years later (once the war was over) was dug up and transferred back to  his home country and interred with his family.

Question 2: Is there a way to print a report of people who have sources attached to events, as well as those events? 


Source Report

Doe, Jane (DOB - )
- Birth Cert 2
- Marriage Invitation

Doe, John (DOB, DOD)
- Birth Cert 1
- Diploma
- Marriage Invitation
- Death Cert

I would also love to print the reverse report by source, with all the people attached listed:

Report 2

Birth Cert 1
- Doe, John

Birth Cert 2
- Doe, Jane

Marriage Invitation
- Doe, Jane
- Doe, John

I am using a secondary program to compile these two reports, but the info is already in Ancestris, and if I could get it out, my record-keeping time would be cut in half.  The "List of Individuals Events" is a great start, but not quite enough for what I need.

Thank you for your help!



Offline Zurga

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Re: Two Questions: How to Add Second Burial || Creating Source Reports
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2023, 20:02:21 »
Question 1 :
Some events are hidden after initial use, BURI is one of them.
However, you can use the GEDCOM editor to add a BURI tag manually.
Add a property with the assistant and type manuaaly "BURI" at the bottom of the window.

Question 2 :
There is no direct report to do what you want to do.
But you can use the report "list of individuals events" to have all events.
You can use the report "search status of events by individual" to know if you have an event and a source.

Beside this, you can try to create  a GedArt report to match your exact needs.
We can help you to do it.


Offline KayHarmon

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Re: Two Questions: How to Add Second Burial || Creating Source Reports
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2023, 20:17:58 »

Thank you for your help and for pointing me in the direction of the GedArt sheets!

I have started playing around with the "mymodel" example and have a close approximation of what I'm looking for.  (Attached)

I think the "Resources by Individual" Report is coming along nicely.

Question: Is there a way to get the system to report ALL sources of an individual without having to call and print each source?

For example, in my "indisheet" to produce the attached report, I am printing out birth, baptism and death records:


Is there a way to grab ALL sources at once?  I tried the following (but I'm obviously doing something wrong; nothing prints):

   #if ($item.getProperty("SOUR"))
      #foreach ($source in $item.getProperties("SOUR"))

If there is no way to grab all sources: where can I get a list of the GedCom properties in Ancestris that may contain sources so I can list them all? Also:  Is there a way to get rid of the word "source" before each source?  I'd like to simply bullet the list, if possible. (And if I can omit duplicates, even better!)

The harder report, I believe, will be printing individual by source. Is that even possible? If not, I may be able to leverage this report by exporting it to a csv and using pivot tables in excel. That may mean printing each persons name on the same line as the source: duplicative for html, but okay for csv, I think.  Thoughts?

If I can manage these two reports, I can ditch the other program I am using and only use Ancestris!

Thank you again!



Offline Zurga

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Re: Two Questions: How to Add Second Burial || Creating Source Reports
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2023, 21:17:35 »
Could you put your file here, it will be more simple to answer.

Source can be of two kind :
- Source entity
- Source embedded in another entity.
So it could be complicated to get all of them.

In you example, the bad line is :

You define a variable named "source", use it so and try directly with indi :
#foreach ($source in $INDI.getProperties("SOUR"))

By the way, the "source" word is placed with this line :
<span class="souligner">Source</span> :&nbsp;

« Last Edit: October 27, 2023, 21:21:33 by Zurga »