Author Topic: Multiple related users tree  (Read 9415 times)

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Multiple related users tree
« on: May 17, 2022, 22:20:25 »
I have done a cluster diagram on which shows group of 21 cousins related to me. Including myself,
 that is 22 DNA related persons. Our goal is to  create a tree that helps us find how we are connected. All 22 persons would need to have access and editing permission for the tree. Initially there would be 22 separate trees, with 22 starting points. Overtime the branches would merge into a single tree, but still with 22 starting or entry points.

We are all connected to Cheshire England. We would upload and merge our individual trees. Common ancestors could be merged and consolidated as soon as they become known. More distant relations would, of course, require additional research. I see the ancestry graph feature of Ancestris as being very helpful in this process.

We all have our DNA records, and some of us have identified our haplogroups. If Ancestris had fields for storing the haplogroup data, kit number, and perhaps email address it would be very helpful and informative. My personal DNA connects me to the Merovigian nobles, I would expect that all of the cousins connect the them also.

Can Ancestris accommodate this type of research. I realize that this is a new way of seeking and connecting data, but I believe that it will become a common practice as more DNA test are completed.

Thank you for considering my proposal, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Ronald G Barnes born Ronald L Taylor

Offline Zurga

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Re: Multiple related users tree
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2022, 22:25:51 »
Ancestris is a desktop application designed for only one user on one computer.
I doubt this will match your requirements.

You should look at online site or application that can be put on a server like Geneanet, webtrees, Geneweb.
