I didn't want to enter in technical details.
But, if you want the details, here they are.
In the last version of patch update of Java (8.0.333, 11.0.15, 17.0.3), Oracle has added new parameters in XML processing, mechanism that we use in several reports with XSLT transformations.
Theses parameters have default values for backwards compatibility.
https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/11-0-15-relnotes.htmlBut one of these parameter (jdk.xml.xpathExprOpLimit) is set to a default value far below the use of Ancestris.
This limit has provoked execution error on several reports (including the GEDCOM validation and compliance tools which use the same mechanism to display the results and use a 189 depth of XPath).
So I have adjusted the code to set the limit to 300 when use new versions of Java.