Ancestris Support > ENGLISH

Places number of jurisdictions and hierarchy format differs


Doug Halsema:
I used a GCODCOM 5.5 file and had Ancestris update it to 5.5.1. For the most part, it all went well. I am working through 2746 Validations of Gedcom compliance and anomalies.  The error for 950 of those reads: "Place's hierarchy format differs from that of GEDCOM Places number of jurisdictions differs from declared format (8 vs 1)."  I attached a screenshot of one such entry.  I can not figure out what is different from this entry than entries that do not have those errors. The error free entries look the same to me as the entries with these errors. Does anyone have any ideas?  Thank you. --Doug

Please, remove the tag FORM in these places.
The tag FORM indicate that you want to change the number of jurisdictions.
In this case, you have only one jurisdiction named : "Certificate of Birth #26121"


Doug Halsema:
Oh. So easy. It took me a while, but I fixed them all. Thank you.


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