GEDCOM file is basically a hierarchical file.
Each line is composed by a hierarchical level then a tag then a value
You can find the complete description of the 5.5.1 GEDCOM File here : can see it as an XML or JSON file where the delimiters are replaced by increasing level number.
For example, this type of thing :
"indi" : {
"id" : I001,
"Name" : {
"SURN" : Durand,
"GIVN" : John
"Birt" : {
"Date" : 16 Nov 1800,
"Plac" : London, United Kingdom
This can be translated in GEDCOM as :
0 @I001@ INDI
1 NAME John /Durand/
2 SURN Durand
2 GIVN John
2 DATE 16 NOV 1800
2 PLAC London, United Kingdom
The GEDCOM file has a header to describe what is in and how it is done and a trailer to close the file (0 TRLR )