What I often do if I want very old information back, I try the Wayback machine.
It does not always help, but maybe you can at least get back something?
Official link:
https://archive.org/web/That gets you to a page where you fill in the url of the page you are looking for.
If you type:
genoom.org you get to a screen with a calendar.
Click on the most recent date that site or page was saved.
I tried genoom.com dated: aug 20 2021, that got me to:
https://web.archive.org/web/20210820085458/https://www.genoom.com/Have to login there.
the green circles are redirects. If those dont work, try the blue circles.
If you know on what pages (url's) your information was, you might be able to go directly to thoose.
Give it a try, maybe you are lucky.