Bonjour à tous.
Je continue à galérer pour compiler le code source :
Machine virtuelle windows 10 fraîchement installée (machine hôte : windows 10 aussi). Donc pas de passifs d'installation/désinstallation/versions différentes de java ou de netbeans.
- Installation java : jdk-8u301-windows-x64.exe
- Installation netbeans : Apache-NetBeans-11.3-bin-windows-x64.exe
- Installation client svn : CollabNetSubversion-client-1.12.2-1-x64.exe
- Téléchargement
- Création d'une plateforme Netbeans nommée "custom" , répertoire netbeans-platform_11.3, harnes supplied with Platform"
- Checkout svn , head, trunk omitted
Impossible de compiler: après avoir mis "ant" en mode debug, voici un extrait de la console :
Skipping C:\Users\phili\Documents\netbeans_platform_11.3\harness because it already exists.
Set property download.clusters = harness|platform
Setting project property: download.clusters -> harness|platform
Override ignored for property "disabled.modules"
Set property module.includes =
Setting project property: module.includes ->
Downloading clusters harness|platform
Setting project property: tasks.jar -> C:\Users\phili\AppData\Local\Temp\tasks.jar
Getting: C:\Users\phili\AppData\Local\Temp\tasks.jar moved to C:\Users\phili\Documents\NetBeansProjects\AncestrisCore\nbproject\platform.xml.
C:\Users\phili\Documents\NetBeansProjects\AncestrisCore\build.xml:7: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\phili\Documents\NetBeansProjects\AncestrisCore\nbproject\build-impl.xml:41: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\phili\Documents\NetBeansProjects\AncestrisCore\nbproject\platform.xml:26: Redirection detected from http to https. Protocol switch unsafe, not allowed.
Je mets la sortie complète en fichier joint.
A cours d'idées, et saturant, toute aide ou remarque sera la bienvenue. Merci encore