Ancestris Support > ENGLISH
If you come from Genoom, here are the instructions to migrate your genealogy to Ancestris:
- You have received an email from Genoom with a link to download a ZIP file. Download it and unzip it.
- If you do not have this file anymore or lost it, you can try writing to to get a copy.
- Inside there is a GEDCOM file with the extension .ged. This is your genealogy. You will also find the files of your photos there.
- Make sure the GEDCOM file contains the links to your photos. To do this, open it with a normal text editor (like 'notepad' for example) and find the lines that contain " FILE ".
- If these lines are there, each indicates a link to one of your photos. Then you can move on to the next step.
- If these lines are not there, you must reconnect to Genoom with your identifiers and request an extraction of your genealogy again, but WITH the photos this time. You will receive a new email and you will have to start over with what is written above.
- If the " FILE " lines exist, you can start Ancestris
- To do this, install Ancestris following the instructions here:
- Then migrate your genealogy simply by opening the GEDCOM file from the File / Open menu and converting it, or if you prefer, by following the more detailed instructions here:
- In the list of software that appears, choose Genoom if you have Ancestris version 12, or choose "Generic or Repair" if you have Ancestris version 11.
- At the end of this migration, you should see your family tree with your photos. For the photos to be visible, they must be in the same directory as the Gedcom file. It is possible to move them to another directory but we do not recommend it at this time.
There you go, if you have any questions, feel free to post them here.
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