Author Topic: LØST! GED Eksport  (Read 21593 times)

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Offline ebea

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LØST! GED Eksport
« on: May 31, 2021, 18:03:27 »
Hej!  Hvorfor er det, at man skal bruge geneanet eksport, når man vælger at eksportere et Træ som en GED fil?  Der er ikke andre valg muligheder, under "Fil". Og når man så vælger dette, og der spørges om man vil bruge dette format, så kommer Filhåndteringen korrekt op, og man kan vælge et filnavn. Derved eksporteres filen korrekt men med en geneanet tilføjelse til filen.
Hvorfor kan man ikke bare eksportere sit Træ, som en GED fil, og så slut?

Efter dette, kommer så det pudsige, og det er at der popper en ny menu frem, hvor der spørges, om man vil uploade sit Geneanet Tree (oversættelsen er nok smuttet lidt). Og når man vil svare nej, så åbner hjemmesiden automatisk!! Men jeg ønsker ikke at uploade til hjemmesiden. Så skal man så svare ja, for at undgå at hjemmesiden åbner (der åbner en menu hvor man kan vælge at logge ind). I min Verden, fuldstændig ulogisk.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2021, 10:45:00 by ebea »

Offline Zurga

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Re: GED Eksport
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2021, 18:13:50 »
The Geneanet export is not designated to make a GEDCOM.
If you want to create a GEDCOM form your genealogy, use the menu "Save as"
The Geneanet export is specifically done to put your data on Geneanet. For instance, it changes data in order that Geneanet will understand correctly the GEDCOM structure (Yes, Geneanet doesn't fully understand standard GEDCOM).
So, the export has no other use than sending your data on Geneanet.
After you create the adapted GEDCOM, the software allows you to use Ancestris to do the upload on the site or let you do it by yourself.

Again, a Geneanet export is not a backup, it is not intended to send part of your genealogy to another one.
It is only dedicated to Geneanet upload.


Google translate :
Geneanet-eksporten er ikke udpeget til at oprette en GEDCOM.
Hvis du vil oprette en GEDCOM fra din slægtsforskning, skal du bruge menuen "Gem som"
Geneanet-eksporten udføres specifikt for at placere dine data på Geneanet. For eksempel ændrer det data for at Geneanet forstår GEDCOM-strukturen korrekt (Ja, Geneanet forstår ikke fuldt ud standard GEDCOM).
Så eksporten har ingen anden brug end at sende dine data på Geneanet.
Når du har oprettet den tilpassede GEDCOM, giver softwaren dig mulighed for at bruge Ancestris til at uploade på webstedet eller lade dig selv gøre det.

Igen er en Geneanet-eksport ikke en sikkerhedskopi, den er ikke beregnet til at sende en del af din slægtsforskning til en anden.
Det er kun dedikeret til Geneanet-upload.


Offline ebea

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Re: GED Eksport
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2021, 18:44:25 »
Hi! The answer back, do not declare the mystery. The reason I want to use to export the file, are, that everytime I use "Save As" it build a fully new structure in my Tree, with a fully other Proband, which also don't seems to make sense. The structure I have when I choose to use "Save As", disappear fully.

And I can't really see the logic in any of these ways it happens, when saving a GED file, for use other places. I did think, that the Ancestris was fully capable to use the GED standard, no matter in which way I did save a file (by export, or by Save As).

Offline arvernes

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Sv: GED Eksport
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2021, 19:12:09 »
Hej ebea,
Jeg ved ikke, om jeg forstår dit problem korrekt, men du skal vide, at Ancestris arbejder ud fra en gedcom-fil. Så hvis du vil sende din gedcom-fil til nogen, skal du blot kopiere din gedcom-fil (f.eks. xxxxx.ged) i din e-mail og sende den. Hvis du blot ønsker at sende din gedcom-fil, kopierer du denne xxxx.ged-fil og sender den til den person, du ønsker. Hvis du vælger "gem som", eksporterer du kun en del af din gedcom-fil.
Måske kunne vi for at gøre det mere klart bede udviklerne om at tilføje en mulighed for at "eksportere din gedcom-fil" i menuen "Eksporter", og denne mulighed ville lave en simpel kopi af xxxxx.ged-filen til en fil efter eget valg.
Jeg ved ikke, om dette besvarer dit spørgsmål bedre?
mvh. Francois
Met ’drokfen ket evit teñzorioù va Frankiz !

Offline Zurga

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Re : GED Eksport
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2021, 19:26:42 »
When you use "Save as", it creates a new file and open it directly, as Microsoft Office, Open Office or almost all softwares do.
Close it, open again your previous file and you will get back the old tree.

Export Geneanet is not an export to create a fully correct GEDCOM File.
Please, don't use this feature for this purpose.


Offline ebea

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Re : GED Eksport
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2021, 19:32:26 »
Hi Francois!

Both Yes and No, to your understanding of the problem.

Yes, I could choose to use the working file, and send this, if it was what I wanted. But when I look in my File Explorer, I see a lot of files, which are created (I guess by automatic saving, as there are timestamp on the files) from my original working file, and which are even more confusing, in choosing the correct file, even that I can see the original File name in my Tree, and the File I'm working on.
As I see the "logic" in the use of the GED file, it should be so, that I work on a File with a chosen name, and only that name. And when I choose to Export that file, with all whats included in this, of Notes, documents, and so on, I do expect, that it is exported as a correct GED File, with the name I choose.

When I choose "Save As" in the File menu, my Tree changes fully, and set in a new Proband. So as written before, none of these things, seems to be logic in any way.

So could you explain me, WHY I can't export a GED file (which should be a standard procedure, according to the GED standard).

And WHY do my Tree suddenly change, when I use "Save As"?

I begin to see the same problems with the Tree changing, as I experienced, the first time I installed the Version 11. At that time, I removed the Version11, and moved to Version10, and after that (by your advice), I removed all kind of Ancestris on my Computer, and installed the Version11 again.

Offline ebea

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Re: GED Eksport
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2021, 19:40:35 »
Hi Zurga!

maybe it works so, by you "Close it, open again your previous file and you will get back the old tree". But that's not the case by me. As written more times, I saves a file, with a fully new structure, and open that up, when I start Ancestris, AND it also opens up the File I was working on, when I did use "Save As".

So I see the problems as explained in the message, 19:32:26 to Francois!

I can't Export, and I can't "Save As", without getting a none correct working file.

Offline Zurga

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Re: Re : GED Eksport
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2021, 20:15:19 »
Yes, I could choose to use the working file, and send this, if it was what I wanted. But when I look in my File Explorer, I see a lot of files, which are created (I guess by automatic saving, as there are timestamp on the files) from my original working file, and which are even more confusing, in choosing the correct file, even that I can see the original File name in my Tree, and the File I'm working on.
As I see the "logic" in the use of the GED file, it should be so, that I work on a File with a chosen name, and only that name. And when I choose to Export that file, with all whats included in this, of Notes, documents, and so on, I do expect, that it is exported as a correct GED File, with the name I choose.
You can define how number of backup you want to have.
See the preferences:
The current file has always the default name with no timestamp.
It's always the newest file.
Copy it, you will have the full content of your working file.
All the timestamp files ar backup with old modification done when you press CTRL+S or the save icon on the toolbar.

So could you explain me, WHY I can't export a GED file (which should be a standard procedure, according to the GED standard).
Because there is no transformation from your file that need an "export".
If you just copy everything, no need to export, copy from your file explorer.

And WHY do my Tree suddenly change, when I use "Save As"?
Because you create a new file with no information cached on what was the Probant of your file.
So, by default, it opens on the first individual found.

maybe it works so, by you "Close it, open again your previous file and you will get back the old tree". But that's not the case by me. As written more times, I saves a file, with a fully new structure, and open that up, when I start Ancestris, AND it also opens up the File I was working on, when I did use "Save As".

So I see the problems as explained in the message, 19:32:26 to Francois!

I can't Export, and I can't "Save As", without getting a none correct working file.
Why you don't open the old one ?
Of course the tree change if you create a new file.


Offline arvernes

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Re: GED Eksport
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2021, 20:18:43 »
Hvad hvis vi tilføjede to nye muligheder :
- hvis "Gem som" giver en ekstra mulighed for at gemme gedcom-filen som den er, uden filter, men under et andet navn.
- hvis "Eksporter" giver en ekstra mulighed for at eksportere gedcom-filen som den er, og du får mulighed for at vælge navnet på filen og det sted, hvor du vil placere den
Ville det opfylde dine forventninger?
Met ’drokfen ket evit teñzorioù va Frankiz !

Offline arvernes

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Re: Re : GED Eksport
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2021, 20:38:24 »
Hej Ebea
Yes, I could choose to use the working file, and send this, if it was what I wanted. But when I look in my File Explorer, I see a lot of files, which are created (I guess by automatic saving, as there are timestamp on the files) from my original working file, and which are even more confusing, in choosing the correct file, even that I can see the original File name in my Tree, and the File I'm working on.
Du er nødt til at se her:
Valg - Tilpas - Filer - Antal Sikkerhedskopier

Disse filer er backup-filer, som automatisk oprettes af Ancestris, hver gang du klikker på "Gem". Du kan vælge det antal sikkerhedskopier, du vil have.

As I see the "logic" in the use of the GED file, it should be so, that I work on a File with a chosen name, and only that name. And when I choose to Export that file, with all whats included in this, of Notes, documents, and so on, I do expect, that it is exported as a correct GED File, with the name I choose.
Da Ancestris arbejder direkte på gedcom-filen (.ged), er der ingen grund til at eksportere den, da eksporten kun ville være en kopi af gedcom-filen, bortset fra det navn, som du måske ønsker at ændre. Derfor stillede jeg dig et spørgsmål i min anden besked. Som sagt, hvis du vælger "Gem som", gemmer du kun en del af din gedcom-fil afhængigt af de indstillinger, du vælger. Det er derfor, at når du laver "Gem som", vil du finde et andet stamtræ end det, du arbejdede på.

When I choose "Save As" in the File menu, my Tree changes fully, and set in a new Proband. So as written before, none of these things, seems to be logic in any way.

So could you explain me, WHY I can't export a GED file (which should be a standard procedure, according to the GED standard).

And WHY do my Tree suddenly change, when I use "Save As"
Se min forklaring ovenfor.
Jeg håber, at mine forklaringer er tydeligere.
Mvh. Francois
Met ’drokfen ket evit teñzorioù va Frankiz !

Offline ebea

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Re: GED Eksport
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2021, 21:37:46 »

Who are answering what?  Zurga, or Arvernes ;-)

To Zurga!  It was new to me, that I could choose to have a specific number of auto saved files. I have'nt seen this before. So by this, the "problem" with all the files, are declared.

Because there is no transformation from your file that need an "export".
If you just copy everything, no need to export, copy from your file explorer.

For me, it would be the logically way, to do an export of a Tree, directly from the program, and the File I'm working on, and give it a new name, by exporting. That's why I think it is the way (thats how other similar Sofware program works).

Because you create a new file with no information cached on what was the Probant of your file.
So, by default, it opens on the first individual found.

This I can't see the logic in. If you work on a File, in Ancestris, or any other program. Then I think you will expect to get the open File you work on saved, when using "Save As", as that work, and not something else, taken from, in this case, the first piece of name found. Are you working in that way, by example in any Office programs? In Word, or Excel, or other. "Save As" save the file you working on, as it is, by the second it saved, and not as any other piece of File.


Offline ebea

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Re: GED Eksport
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2021, 22:07:47 »
As a little addition to the "save As" and autosave. By autosaving, why are the File date and time not changed on the File, but only the name?

Take a look at the Picture included.

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Re: GED Eksport
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2021, 04:54:17 »
Filens dato og klokkeslæt er filens dato og klokkeslæt, før den blev ændret. Det er et valg.
Din fil hedder :
det betyder, at du gemte din slægtsforskning den 31. maj 2021 (20210531 = år-måned-dag) kl. 22 timer 57 minutter og 03 sekunder (225703 = time-minut-sekunder)
Din fil er dateret 07-02-2014 - 10:24
Så sidste gang du brugte holmesson.GED-filen var i 2014, den 2. februar kl. 10:24
Jeg synes, det er nyttigt at have denne dato og dette tidspunkt, da du har begge oplysninger på samme tid. Filnavnet giver dig dato og klokkeslæt for gemmene, og datoen og klokkeslættet for filen er ikke blevet ændret på din computer, så du ved, hvor gammel filen var, før den blev ændret, hvis du har brug for disse oplysninger.
Som jeg sagde, er det et valg.
Met ’drokfen ket evit teñzorioù va Frankiz !

Offline ebea

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Re: GED Eksport
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2021, 06:30:18 »
Hi Francois!

So you think it's useful to have that information, about a Files last saving date and time, in the File name!!!

Så sidste gang du brugte holmesson.GED-filen var i 2014, den 2. februar kl. 10:24
No it was not the last time I used the File. The last time was the time Ancestris added to the file name. So when I search for a file, I can always normally see when it last was saved, by looking for the date and time in the File spec. (thats why it's a part of the options in File search), and not by search for an unknown date stamp in the File name. As now, I have a File wich is changed at the 31-05-2021, but that info are not set into my File, which are fully opposite to all other standard of File saving.

And still, this to "Save As" with the Tree I'm actually working on, change the Tree fully, with a new Proband, even that I HAVE chosen a Proband in the actual Tree.
And I still can't see any logic in, why it should/could be correct so. What are the purpose for that??  I just want to save the actual Tree I'm working on, in another name, and with the fully working Tree as I worked on, and not a fully other Tree, because I use "Save As".


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Re : Re: GED Eksport
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2021, 07:02:59 »
Hej Bernth,

Jeg foretrækker at forsøge at skrive på dansk, fordi dette er et dansk forum, ikke engelsk

So you think it's useful to have that information, about a Files last saving date and time, in the File name!!!
Ja, jeg synes, det er nyttigt at have dato og klokkeslæt for denne sikkerhedskopi med i backupfilens navn. Det er ikke alle, der ser på datoen og klokkeslættet i selve filen for at kende datoen for sikkerhedskopien. Hvis disse backup-filer generer dig, kan du angive, at du ikke ønsker automatisk backup. Det er et plus. Du kan vælge at have automatiske sikkerhedskopier eller ikke at have nogen.

And still, this to "Save As" with the Tree I'm actually working on, change the Tree fully, with a new Proband, even that I HAVE chosen a Proband in the actual Tree.
And I still can't see any logic in, why it should/could be correct so. What are the purpose for that??  I just want to save the actual Tree I'm working on, in another name, and with the fully working Tree as I worked on, and not a fully other Tree, because I use "Save As".
Hvad angår "Gem som", er jeg enig med dig, og jeg spurgte udviklerne, om de kunne tilføje det.
Met ’drokfen ket evit teñzorioù va Frankiz !