Author Topic: Ancestris v11 is out  (Read 16107 times)

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Ancestris v11 is out
« on: May 29, 2021, 17:49:07 »
It's official on this May 29th 2021.

We are pleased to announce the release of Ancestis v. 11.

From today, you will download this version on the site.
From tomorrow, the daily version will be numbered v12.

The v11 in numbers:
1 year and 4 months of development
790 commits.
1 burnt server at OVH.
A few short nights to fix everything.

New features :

View images located on the Internet
Add  the possibility to download the web images linked in the genealogy on your computer.
Add  the possibility to do an undo / redo with the keyboard in the text areas.
Add duplicate detection when creating a new person
Geneanet synchronization module (files included)
Change of the places table to make it almost a spreadsheet.
New GEDCOM comparison module instead of tree sharing.
Added an entity drag and drop.
Add markers in layers.
Addition of an Identifier generation module
Addition of a module for marking remarkable individuals.
Addition of an age calculation module.
New management of window position recording.
Add definition of character size in settings.
Visualization of non-standard entities

Technical version upgrade (Netbeans 11), allows you to use up to Java 15.
Improvement of the toolbar and labels of the graph view
Modification of menu organization
View Geonames Usage Rules
No creation of empty tags with Cygnus
Possibility to delete a tag only if it is empty, visualization of the content of the tags before deletion.
Displacement of the columns of the entity table, addition of keyboard shortcuts.
Addition of an input list for nicknames.
Replacement of the old help by the online help on the documentation server.
Add filters to the selection windows of the Aries editor
Addition of a specific import for Ahnenblatt
Addition of a specific import for Legacy
Addition of a specific import for RootsMagic
Application discovery update.
Added 15 new reports.
Added 9 new templates for GEDART reports.
Addition of age at death in the age report.
Improved genealogy progress report to easily open it in a spreadsheet
Improved reporting when multiple images are linked to an entity.
Add a font to display non-Roman alphabets in reports.
Improved performance of internet geolocation.
Possibility of not looking for postal codes.
Removal of localities in the statements.
Added the ability to search on multiple marriages in the advanced search
Improved support contact module.
Research insensitive to accents.
Search with all the names of a person.
Differentiates siblings from semi-siblings to display common ancestors.
Added control of isolated entities.
Add the date at the bottom of the prints
Modification of the GEDCOM file import report.

Fixed use of passwords to encrypt GEDCOM data
Managing the cause of an event in Aries
Management of events that have taken place
Fixed selection of Notes properties in recording options.
Fixed parent / child sequence test in GEDCOM controls.
Fixed the use of the AGENCY tag in Aries
Correction of the postal code in the Aries editor.
Correction of demo GEDCOMs (Kennedy and Bourbon)
Correction of the management of memory parameters below 1Gb
Correction of the management of coordinates
Manage @ put in names.
Fixed narrative report when events are empty.
Reading almanacs in UTF-8 to respect diacritics.
Adds associations in the GEDCOM merge.
Removal of excess line feeds in GEDCOM. (On Windows under certain conditions only)
Prevention of systematic search on the Internet to geolocate when changing a place.
Reactivating the display of the Web Book cartography.
Corrected Web Book settings.
Correction of bookmarks with a chosen name.
Adjusted sorting when name prefixes are used
Selecting an existing location no longer creates another in Aries.
Corrected display of common ancestors
Fixed misuse of ASSO tag with any other tag.
Addition of the possibility of entering a fact (FACT) in the Ariès editor

And a bunch of translation evolution:
New documentation in 9 languages (3 complete: French, English, Portuguese; 6 in progress: German, Castilian, Catalan, Italian, Danish, Dutch)
Added Turkish translation
Added Russian translation
Numerous updates of the translations of the application (German, English, Castilian, Catalan, Danish, French, Greek, Dutch, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Portuguese, Czech)
Thank a lot to the translators.

Finally thank the whole community
By your comments, your requests, your reports of anomalies, you allow this software to live and beautify.
We count on you in the sequel to create buzz, tutorials, ideas and excitement.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2024, 18:56:08 by Zurga »