Author Topic: Ancestris Behavior When Attaching Sources? Confused  (Read 10268 times)

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Offline KayHarmon

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Ancestris Behavior When Attaching Sources? Confused
« on: February 02, 2021, 19:30:11 »

New user here. Thank you for such a fantastic program.

I am having a bit of difficulty attaching sources, and am wondering if I'm "doing it wrong."

I have created a repository, according to the directions in the Ancestris Help Guide.  To populate the repository, I've attached sources that I'd already created.

Now, if I want to use those sources again for another individual, or again on the same do I do this?  What I have been doing is clicking on the "Add a Source" button (plus sign), and then searching for the source in the pop-up box, and choosing it.  However, this seems cumbersome. The window only shows 2 or 3 sources at most (because of the media image), so I find myself typing long strings into the search filter box. With many sources, it's a lot to scroll through 2 or 3 at a time.  I can see this problem growing as time moves on.

So.. questions:

1 - is there an easier way to add sources?
2 - Also: how does one attach additional sources? For example, I may have a birth certificate as well as a marriage certificate, both of which verify date of birth. How do I attach both?

And this is the strange behavior I'm observing.  (This behavior did not begin until I created a repository and added the source I'm attaching.)

a - I create a new person in the genealogy, example, a daughter, using the Cygnus editor. The entity table is showing individuals.
b - I click the 'Add a Source Button' - the pop up window appears. I search for a source which happens to be inside a repository
c - I select the source. the pop up window closes. I'm returned to the individual Cygnus window.
d - Click OK.

Once "OK" is clicked, the Cygnus window for the individual disappears and is replaced by a Cygnus window for the Source Entity.  (Attached)

3 - What do I do with this window?  I can close it. But then I have to go back to the Individuals in the Entity Table and re-select my ancestor to get back to where I started before attaching the source.  Is this the correct behavior?

Regrettably:  This behavior is now happening whenever I enter any source, whether it's inside a repository or not.

Editing Sources

I've learned that I need to use the GEDCOM editor if I need to edit a source.

4 - What is the difference between the "TITL" and "TEXT" tags?  Should both be populated? Are they used differently in different reports (thereby making it important to complete both fields?)

5 - Regarding repositories:  How are they used by Ancestris, other than by adding an additional container for data? 

Thank you very much for your help!


Offline Zurga

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Re: Ancestris Behavior When Attaching Sources? Confused
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2021, 09:55:27 »
Thanks you for trying Ancestris.

First of all, it is really possible that you doing nothing wrong and the way Ancestris does the work is not as user-friendly as we though when we create some modules.

The search box allow you to put the value you want to limit the number of sources, you can enlarge the windows to display more sources.

1. You can try other editors if you find them more accurate for the way you create data. Aries Editor or GEDCOM editor presents data in a different manner and the search options are different.

2. Just press the "+" again, you will have a new source linked. You have a scroll bar on the right to change from one to another. (Aries or GEDCOM editor dispaly all in a list)

3. I don't reproduce this behavior in Ancestris 11. Which version do you use ?

4. TITL and TEXT tags are GEDCOM tags with their definition :
- TITL : The title of the work, record, or item and, when appropriate, the title of the larger work or series of which it is a part.
- TEXT : A verbatim copy of any description contained within the source.
Typically, the source is a Book, and the text is the content of the book.

5. There is actually no specific use of the repositories in Ancestris. Repository is a standard GEDCOM entity, it is useful to classify the sources.


Offline KayHarmon

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Re: Ancestris Behavior When Attaching Sources? Confused
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2021, 14:33:09 »

Thank you for the prompt reply.

I tried the Aries editor this morning, and achieve the same perplexing behavior using it.  I'm using Ancestris version 10 on a Windows 10 Home OS.

Can I install Ancestris 11 side-by-side with 10? Or should I uninstall and re-install 11?



Offline Zurga

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Re: Ancestris Behavior When Attaching Sources? Confused
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2021, 14:59:48 »
You could have the two version side by side.
They use each one their own temporary directories.

Note that version 11 is a nightly built version with no front-end assisting the installation.
For the version 11, download the zip, unzip in a directory like C:\ancestris (you can chose the directory you want, but avoid diacritical mark in the path, the program won't launch).
Go to "bin" directory and launch ancestris.exe.
You can then make a shortcut on the desktop and modify the icon to use the one provided in the "bin" directory


Offline KayHarmon

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Re: Ancestris Behavior When Attaching Sources? Confused
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2021, 20:21:47 »
Thank you for all of your help.

I've installed Version 11 and experienced the same behavior. 

To test the "bug," I removed the sources from the repository.  Once I did that, and attached the sources to another entity, the perplexing behavior ceased.  So: I'm just going to remove all my sources from the repository, and not use the repository feature at this time.

Again, thank you very much for your prompt responses. (Apologies for my delayed one.)  :)