Author Topic: Summer event : Ancestris Summer body  (Read 8833 times)

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Summer event : Ancestris Summer body
« on: July 15, 2020, 09:50:20 »
Because it's summer, because confinement is good but we want to sunbathe on the beach or feel the grass underfoot and that decidedly, must change the wallpaper of the living room (2 months with my nose on it that's too much), the team at Ancestris offers to make your wildest dreams come true.
Wildest dreams.....

You don't like the look of the graphic tree, but you have no knowledge of HTML?
Are you afraid of slapping when you touch layers?
"My wife would like a pink background, but I don't know how to do it, help me Ancestris Team".
"What is a layer?", "Ah well, can we change the colors?"
"I want red and green dots all over my tree, but I didn't understand the doc ...."

Between July 15th and August 15th, tell us about your dream design to replace a layer and we will make it happen.
Put your design in the form of a drawing, a description (be precise, in particular specify the version of Ancestris you are using, certain functions are only available in version 11) following this message.
We take care of the rest.

By the way, since the layers do not ask to code, if goodwill wants to help, they are welcome
Just put a message in responding to the design you take into account.
