Author Topic: Itching powder of the month  (Read 7835 times)

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Offline Zurga

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Itching powder of the month
« on: April 18, 2020, 13:14:59 »
You are confined, you have returned more intensively to genealogy.
You use Ancestris (Thanks to you, even if you know you have the best software in the world).
In your daily use, there is however a little something that bothers you, a little thing that you would like to see modified, improved, corrected.
Tell us, indicate it in this subject, talk about it, exchange.
At the end of the month, the dev team will take 5 small improvements to develop them in the next month.


Offline Paul

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Re: Itching powder of the month
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2020, 20:06:58 »
My personal niggles:

  • Little icons on editor tabs = clutter
  • Icons along top of dynamic tree view [icons]root[icons] = messy!
  • Font in entity table unaffected by font settings = ugly/pixellated
  • No undo in note editor (supports ctrl+c/v but not z)
  • Leading commas in entities table and Aries editor when data has incomplete hierarchy, for example ',Oxford, Oxfordshire, England'. Can leading comma be suppressed in display as it is in reports (eg Ancestor Narrative)?
  • Is there a need for text denoting root person at top of dynamic view? Again, it just adds clutter IMHO. The person is highlighted in the view itself and can be seen in the tooltip of the 'centre tree on selected entity...' button
  • Not sure if I'm doing this wrong or it's a 'one off' type bug: I enter 'Holl' in the filter/search box at the top of the entity view. I get all the 'Holland' surnames as expected with an individual 'Nicholls' at the end. He was married to one of the Holland people but none of the other partners in the 'spouses' column are listed. See example image, if this was intended behaviour Lewis and Beardmore should also be in the list.
  • In entity table view, could the more intuitive keys Ctrl+left/right or Ctrl+PgUp/Dn be used to switch the entity type rather than '1' and '9' - they just seem weird!
  • What does the filter box at top right in the preferences dialog do? I can't seem to get it to do anything useful!
  • Age at Events Report. The 'options' tab could contain less pointless text by changing it to read 'Include age at...' then just the list of checkboxes labelled 'Baptism', 'Birth of Children' etc. The final options (and the report text itself) should be 'Elapsed since birth' (not 'age since birth' as they might be dead!). Elapsed since death could be added.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 12:59:15 by Paul »

Offline Zurga

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Re: Itching powder of the month
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2020, 15:58:23 »
Thank you for your participation.
We will take all the idea and give you in few days the 5 enhancements we will bring into the application.
