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Offline Macafyc

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Newbie questions
« on: November 12, 2018, 09:51:12 »

I am a new user of the program and I love it. I use it both in Windows and Linux.
I would like to ask several questions:

Is it possible, when saving as... a genealogy, to exclude @N....@ NOTE and @S....@ SOUR tags in Filter by Properties tab? I've tried NOTE, SOUR but it doesn't work.

In Dynamic Tree view, could be possible to add a kind of ribbon or mark for death individuals? And for living ones the actual age?

While navigating in tree view, it would be interesting to show something to indicate a individual appears twiece; it was quite common in the past the marriage between cousins.

Also a sign showing, for an individual, that there is a familiy that include him and is not shown.

Probably it is complicated to implement those things. Anyway your programm is awesome.


Offline oops66

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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2018, 12:28:15 »

I am a new user of the program and I love it. I use it both in Windows and Linux.
I would like to ask several questions:

1-) Is it possible, when saving as... a genealogy, to exclude @N....@ NOTE and @S....@ SOUR tags in Filter by Properties tab? I've tried NOTE, SOUR but it doesn't work.

2-) In Dynamic Tree view, could be possible to add a kind of ribbon or mark for death individuals? And for living ones the actual age?

3-) While navigating in tree view, it would be interesting to show something to indicate a individual appears twice; it was quite common in the past the marriage between cousins.

Also a sign showing, for an individual, that there is a family that include him and is not shown.

Probably it is complicated to implement those things. Anyway your program is awesome.

1-) Save as / and select the related filters tabs/... /... / then save as: new-name.ged

2-) You can customize into the tree-view (change display of individual or families) and add some fields ... ex:
Code: [Select]
<br><font color=gray size=3></i></font>
<b><font color=gray size=4>✝</font>
<prop path=INDI:DEAT:DATE></b>&nbsp<font color=0 size=2><prop path=INDI:DEAT:PLAC format="1, 4, 6"></font>
<br> A: <prop path=INDI:DEAT:AGE>
"And for living ones the actual age?" no possible yet (but you can see actual age into tag "BIRT" into the Gedcom-editor)

3-) You mean the sign "+" ? (if so, it's shown by "+")

Hope that's help.
Have a nice day.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 13:48:01 by oops66 »
MX18 Continuum & Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Ancestris V 0.10.0.xxxx

Offline Macafyc

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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2018, 08:02:15 »
First of all thank you very much for your answer.
I think I haven't explain very well:

1. When I add a source or a general note they are saved in ged file as @SXXXX@ and @NXXXX@ (for instance @S00001@ and @N00001@). I want to save my genealogy without them but I don't know wich tags I need to use in the box "Exclude the following Tags (or Paths)" for excluding them in the new ged.

2. If we know the date of death of a person, it appears in tree view inside the rectangle of that person and that's enough; but if we do know that person is dead but not the date, there is no way of distinguish from living people unless you open Gedcom editor and check if "Known to have happened" chekbox is marked. I think it would be interesting a sort of mark in tree view for those situations. Customize in tree view, in the way you have indicated, makes a cross appear for both the living and the dead.

3. If two cousins are married they have to appear twice in tree view, each one in different branches. Lets suppose A and B are siblings and A1 B1 their childrem. If A1 and B1 get married A1 and B1 should appear both in branches of A and B if  the parents of A and B are selected as root; but there is no visual evidence that this happens. Only if you are lucky and click on one of them it's possible to see them in the small representation of the whole tree as two tiny red boxes. I think it also would be interesting another kind of mark indicating those individual appear more than one time in tree.

Offline oops66

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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2018, 09:00:18 »
First of all thank you very much for your answer.
I think I haven't explain very well:

1. When I add a source or a general note they are saved in ged file as @SXXXX@ and @NXXXX@ (for instance @S00001@ and @N00001@). I want to save my genealogy without them but I don't know wich tags I need to use in the box "Exclude the following Tags (or Paths)" for excluding them in the new ged.

2. If we know the date of death of a person, it appears in tree view inside the rectangle of that person and that's enough; but if we do know that person is dead but not the date, there is no way of distinguish from living people unless you open Gedcom editor and check if "Known to have happened" chekbox is marked. I think it would be interesting a sort of mark in tree view for those situations. Customize in tree view, in the way you have indicated, makes a cross appear for both the living and the dead.

3. If two cousins are married they have to appear twice in tree view, each one in different branches. Lets suppose A and B are siblings and A1 B1 their childrem. If A1 and B1 get married A1 and B1 should appear both in branches of A and B if  the parents of A and B are selected as root; but there is no visual evidence that this happens. Only if you are lucky and click on one of them it's possible to see them in the small representation of the whole tree as two tiny red boxes. I think it also would be interesting another kind of mark indicating those individual appear more than one time in tree.
1-) In this case, it is probably better for you to use an editor like: jEdit ... then find and/or replace your paterns (for instance @S and @N etc).

2-) In this case you can add this (and check into gedom-editor at DEAT  "This event has happened" but the date is unknown)
<prop path=INDI:DEAT>

3-) For that, I do not know how to proceed , but your request seems to be interesting: "I think it also would be interesting another kind of mark indicating those individual appear more than one time in tree."

...You're welcome,

Edit: for 2-) and with the latest Ancestris version up to date, you also can do that:
<br><prop path="INDI:DEAT" format="{(*)$e}">
<br><prop path="INDI:DEAT" format="{(Dead)$e}">

 *-) "And for living ones the actual age?"
And for your previous request, I fully support too
(a new  tag  today-age = today - birth-date) can be related to the age tag into birth (gedcom editor) ?
« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 09:27:18 by oops66 »
MX18 Continuum & Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Ancestris V 0.10.0.xxxx

Offline Zurga

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Re: Newbie questions
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2018, 09:08:51 »
1. When I add a source or a general note they are saved in ged file as @SXXXX@ and @NXXXX@ (for instance @S00001@ and @N00001@). I want to save my genealogy without them but I don't know wich tags I need to use in the box "Exclude the following Tags (or Paths)" for excluding them in the new ged.
No need to define specific path, just use the tab "Filter by Entities" and uncheck "Notes" and "Sources" entities

2. If we know the date of death of a person, it appears in tree view inside the rectangle of that person and that's enough; but if we do know that person is dead but not the date, there is no way of distinguish from living people unless you open Gedcom editor and check if "Known to have happened" chekbox is marked. I think it would be interesting a sort of mark in tree view for those situations. Customize in tree view, in the way you have indicated, makes a cross appear for both the living and the dead.
Just add a DEATH tag and you will see the icon displayed. ("1 DEATH Y" is the correct way in the GEDCOM norm to do it, no other tag after)

3. If two cousins are married they have to appear twice in tree view, each one in different branches. Lets suppose A and B are siblings and A1 B1 their childrem. If A1 and B1 get married A1 and B1 should appear both in branches of A and B if  the parents of A and B are selected as root; but there is no visual evidence that this happens. Only if you are lucky and click on one of them it's possible to see them in the small representation of the whole tree as two tiny red boxes. I think it also would be interesting another kind of mark indicating those individual appear more than one time in tree.
This is difficult to do, the graphical view is basically done to display a tree, graph is complex to define and we don't have GEDCOM tag (private or standard) to note this kind of thing.
Now you can create your own tag and put a value you can display in your tree with customizing blueprint.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 09:16:32 by Zurga »