Hej Arne,
Læsning af filformater afhænger ikke af Ancestris, men på Java selv. Så alle filer understøttes. For .tiff-filer er Java ikke nationalt i stand til at læse dem, så vi skal foretage ændringer for at få dem til at læse. Så hvis du har brug for at læse .tiff-filer, vil vi se, hvordan du støtter dem også.
Jeg tilføjer en test, jeg lavede til de vigtigste billedformater. Med venlig hilsen,
Reading file formats does not depend upon Ancestris, but upon Java itself. So all the files are supported. For .tiff files, java is not natively able to read them, so we need to make changes to make them read too. So if you need to read .tiff files we will see how to support them too.
I add a test I made for the main image formats.
Of course you can add already all tiff files you want with Ancestris, but they won't be displayed in the editor or the tree view, until we add a specific library to Ancestris code. Actually your gedcom file must contains all tiff files associated with your genealogy. It's not a problem at all, Ancestris loads them without a problem. It's just a display matter. We will add that display support soon.
Best regards,