Author Topic: Fejl ved opstart  (Read 17226 times)

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Fejl ved opstart
« on: October 21, 2017, 09:57:59 »

Jeg får denne boks, når jeg starter min fil (se fil warning_01)

Så åbner jeg menuen Værktøj, Gedcom, Validering...

I det dokument, der dannes (warning_02) kan jeg se, hvilken person det drejer sig om og ud fra kdoerne BIRT og SOUR kan jeg regne ud, at det må være noget med FØDSEL og KILDE, det er galt med.

Så åbner jeg Gedcom editor på personen (warning_03) men kan ikke rigtig se mig ud af, hvad der er forkert.

Jeg har også prøvet at åbne personen i Aries editor (warning_04). Heller ikke dér er der umiddelbart noget galt.

Kan nogen hjælpe mig med at se, hvad fejlen er, og hvordan jeg retter den?

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Re: Fejl ved opstart
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2017, 09:58:49 »
warning_03 og 04 vedlagt
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Offline arvernes

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Re: Fejl ved opstart
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2017, 13:34:07 »
Hej Mette,
I'm sorry, but I can't explain in danish ;-( let's go with english. Maybe you will be able to translate it later to danish.
According to your screen captures, you have different problems in your genealogy. Some references are missing.

Let's go with the Sources. Take a look to your indi Henriette Rosenberg Nielsen.
at the end of the BIRTh tag, you have :
SOUR Kirkebog fodsel (I can't write your special "o" ;-) )
Between the two @ you should have something, but here nothing; So your previous genealogy program did something wrong when recording your entries.
It's not a problem, though. If you want me to fix your genealogy, send it to me (a private message of course).
You have the same problem at the end of the record, after OBJE Kirkebog konfirmation 1933 (M00006)

Then you said you have Sources with ID (? your screen capture doesn't show the ID numbers) not found. That's the same problem. In your gedcom file, you must have references to sources with ID number xxx which don't exist in your genealogy. Thank you to your previous genealogy program :-(

Venlig hilsen. Francois
Met ’drokfen ket evit teñzorioù va Frankiz !

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Re: Fejl ved opstart
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2017, 16:29:18 »
Hi Francois!

This file is not a file generated from another program, it's made directly in Ancestris, my little test file.

I have noticed the two
and thought they looked wrong.
Venlig hilsen/Best regards

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Re: Fejl ved opstart
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2017, 16:34:25 »
How did you create those "sources" ? Did you create a source without giving the information of which sources you want to link?  which editor did you use? which process did you follow to create them? Francois

P.S. I would be interested about the process you followed to create such a "source", because i've tried from different maners using the three editors, i've never succeed to create a source with just two @ :-)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 16:57:38 by arvernes »
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Re : Fejl ved opstart
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2017, 22:14:19 »
Hej Mette,
Tak for gedcom filen. Jeg forstod de to første advarsler.
As you created a test file, you didn't fullfill all information. With Ancestris we allowed you not to complete a record for an element, for a birth, a death even if those information are mandatory .... You are free not to do give all information you should do. In some programs, as long as you don't fullfill a field, you're not able to save the information. Here you do what you want. Maybe we will add warnings if the user doesn't give all mandatory element for an event. The gedcom specifications make certain information as mandatory, As you reported that, we are thinking about what is better to do in the future. (Frederic and I are working on that).
For the second warning, it's not a problem, it's just because there is a reference to a file, and that file doesn't exist or is not where it is expected on the computer.
Now, the SOUR @@, I've mistreated the program itself for three hours, and i've never been able to reproduce that. Sorry, but we need more information from you. That's the first time I 've ever seen such a record. No idea at all. keep on the good work ;-) Tak. Francois
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Sv: Fejl ved opstart
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2017, 08:19:33 »
Hej Francois
Jeg bruger altid Aries editor. Jeg vil prøve at sende originalfilen til dig - ikke en kopi. Så er jeg sikker på, at alt indholdet af filen kommer frem til dig.

Venlig hilsen

Hi Francois
I always use Aries editor. I will try to send the original file to you - not a copy. The I'm sure that all the content of the file is sent to you.
Venlig hilsen/Best regards

Offline arvernes

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Re : Fejl ved opstart
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2017, 08:38:00 »
Hej Mette,

Væren editor er mere kompliceret end Cygnus editor. Forfatteren af udgiveren Cygnus er Frédéric, som du kender. Han kan foretage forbedringer, ændringer. For Vædderen er han ikke forfatteren, og det er mere kompliceret. Jeg anbefaler, at en nybegynder bruger Cygnus-editoren. For de mere erfarne skal du bruge Gedcom-editoren, som er ekstremt kraftfuld.

As my message in danish is written using Google translation engine (which is not good), it's more secure to write it in english :
The Aries editor is more difficult to use and more complicated than the Cygnus editor. The author of Cygnus editor is Frédéric, you know well. He can make improvements, modifications. For Aries, he is not the author and it is more complicated. I advise for a beginner to use the Cygnus editor. For the more experienced ones, you have to use the Gedcom editor which is extremely powerful (that's the one I use for years and years).

Venlig hilsen
Met ’drokfen ket evit teñzorioù va Frankiz !

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Sv: Fejl ved opstart
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2017, 08:50:48 »
Okay, I try to use Cygnus instead. I most felt in love with the Aries editor - but don't tell Frédéric :-)))))

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