Under the GEDCOM format, the way to enter conflicting information from different sources is to duplicate a section of the GEDCOM record. The preferred version comes first and then the other conflicting ones hopefully with notes.
So in abbreviated form the GEDCOM record should look something like the following:
0 @I00002@ INDI
1 NAME Mary Tarsille /Marcotte/
2 GIVN Mary Tarsille
2 SOUR @S11@
3 QUAY 2
2 DATE ABT 1832
2 PLAC ,,,,,Canada
2 SOUR @S11@
3 QUAY 2
2 DATE 15 MAY 1832
2 PLAC ,,Cap-Sante,,Quebec,Canada
4 LATI 46.67159
4 LONG -71.78812
2 SOUR @S15@
3 QUAY 1
I realize this is something that is going to have to done through the GEDCOM editor. But after I get the first version in, even in the GEDCOM editor, when I try to add a second BIRT section to the individual's record, it won't let me do it. When I right click on the individual to add another property, the property I want to duplicate is not on the list. The list only includes the properties which have not yet been used for that person. I think Occupation might stay listed allowing you to list different occupations at different points in a person's life, but I can't add an alternate birth date or alternate birth location.
Any ideas other than manually editing the GEDCOM file with NOTEPAD or another text editor for how to handle this situation? I'd really rather not stick all the information in the notes until I find the definitive source and documentation for every individual. I want to be able to keep track of my research and which source says what, especially when the GEDCOM standard has a way for doing it.
If Ancestris won't let me do this, any thoughts on another GEDCOM editor that will? This is likely a deal breaker for me on whether I can adopt Ancestris as my replacement program for the old one I've decided I have to give up because its not GEDCOM compliant enough for me and does not give me enough control over the GEDCOM file.