Hello Steve,
I suppose you run Ancestris beta 0.8.
I've just updated this morning the translation of the different parameters used by this report from french to english, that way it will be more meaningful.
Second I 've updated the explanations given in the report summary, but in french, not in english. So if you're running beta 0.8, please let the program update itself.
Once done, you have to download the package of templates. Its name is "
modeles_gedart_tous.zip" (again sorry, it's in french and help is wanted to translate some plugins documentation). If you have problems to understand the way to proceed, keep me posted, I will try to update the english translation.
Once the templates installed, you have to restart Ancestris.
Choose the template you want to use, but uncheck (we are still in a beta phase, so it's temporary) the option "save to file". That way the result will be opened in your web browser. There, you will be able to save the file the way you want. (File - Save As from your browser). Hope this helps.
Something else: all the templates have been made by french people, so if you need help to design english ones from them, I can help. Francois