Sometimes a photograph, entered in Ancestris editor does not, or partly, appear in the tree. Default layer setting.
Which Operating System? : Windows,
Which version of the O.S.? : examples: Windows 7
Which version of Ancestris? : 0.8beta
What is your Java version? : java 8.0_25-b18
What are the windows opened on your Ancestris application? : the Treeview, the Ancestris editor, the Table view
This bug is related to the application itself
If you use the beta version, do you update Ancestris each time a new version is available? : yes
This bug appeared right after an update (you didn't get it before, and right now, you have it) : no
Which version of the module is concerned (check the "Help - About" dialog box) : example, Ancestris Core:; for a module, example: Geo: