OK I could not recreate your terminal commands on windows command prompt (I have no idea what the equivalent of that is, or if it even exists) but erasing the settings folder did solve the random untranslated jurisdictions, they correctly show in Portuguese ( I could not recreate that error consistently, but when it happened it fixed it). Thanks a lot
But the untranslated UI still persists, further testing I have made lead me to the conclusion that Ancestris cannot display a translated UI whenever the user dir is defined as a relative path to the application directory. For exemple, all these are fine, and the UI is translated correctly:
*User home dir ${HOME} is fine
*Using the ".." for parent folder is fine
*Paths defined relative to C: drive like "\AncestrisSettings" are also fine
*Full paths lice "C:\Users\User Name\Watever\AncestrisSettings" are all fine
*Forward and backward slashes and including or omitting the inverted comas " " in the path are all fine too
But if I have Ancestris installed for exemple on "C:\Users\User Name\Watever" and set stuff like:
Everything works fine, UI settings are saved as Portuguese, but the UI is always in English even after restart.
If I give a full path to the same exact folder as above like:
*default_userdir="C:\Users\User Name\Watever\Settings"
then the UI displays in Portuguese just fine again, so I guess the problem is just user dirs defined as relative path of installation directory.
But like I said, this is just a minor annoyance for me, I always use my software in English anyway, so don't waste too much of your time hunting for this ghost of a bug