BUG 1 - Wrong Individuals name order
Ancestris does nor respect individuals name order preference (Always shows as "Last Name, First Name") :
Which Operating System? : Windows
Which version of the O.S.? : Windows 7 64Bits
Which version of Ancestris? : 0.8beta, 0.8.4500 20130901
What is your Java version? : Java 1.7_07-b10
What are the windows opened on your Ancestris application? : Treeview, Ancestris editor, and Table view
This bug is related to the application itself or a plugin? : Application itself
If it's about a plugin, which plugin? :
If you use the beta version, do you update Ancestris each time a new version is available? : Yes
This bug appeared right after an update (you didn't get it before, and right now, you have it) : Present since I started testing it on version Ancestris_0.8_-20130901, don't know about previous ones
Which version of the module is concerned (check the "Help - About" dialog box) : Ancestris Core:
What is the process that makes the bug to appear (the more details you can give, the better it is) : In all windows and editors the individual names always show with the order "Last Name, First Name", even though in
Preferences>View>General>Individuals I have it set to "Charles de Gaulle" (as opposed to "de Gaulle, Charles" )
Backtrace in the log file :