ENGLISH / Re: UK Almanac?
« on: August 18, 2024, 08:20:25 »
Hello David,
An almanac is in fact a plain textfile. Created and maintained by for example, Notepad or Notepad++
So certainly not with a texteditor like Word.
It consists of lines in a certain format.
I will add 2 examples, the US Almanac, created and maintained by Avernes (Francois), and the Dutch Almanac, which I did.
In the header of the file, there is explanation of how to do it.
All lines in the header start with #, which denotes they are comment lines.
Your language code is au as far as I know, so where there is nl in my almanac or us in Avernes us-almanac, you would use au.
When you are finished with the almanac, or when you want to test a few lines to see how they look, send that text file to Frederic, and ask him to add it.
So I suggest you read the 2 files and see if you understand how it should be done.
Now the US almanac uses states, but the Dutch one does not, as we dont have states in our country only provinces.
Recently the TITLE parameter was added but that is also described in the file header.
I suggest, you use the US alamanc in Ancestris, and then have the file I send you next to it.
That way you can see what information goes where in Ancestris, before you start your own one.
Also, search for Almanac in the userguide to see how things work and what settings you can, or have to use.
Hope this is enough info to start with.
An almanac is in fact a plain textfile. Created and maintained by for example, Notepad or Notepad++
So certainly not with a texteditor like Word.
It consists of lines in a certain format.
I will add 2 examples, the US Almanac, created and maintained by Avernes (Francois), and the Dutch Almanac, which I did.
In the header of the file, there is explanation of how to do it.
All lines in the header start with #, which denotes they are comment lines.
Your language code is au as far as I know, so where there is nl in my almanac or us in Avernes us-almanac, you would use au.
When you are finished with the almanac, or when you want to test a few lines to see how they look, send that text file to Frederic, and ask him to add it.
So I suggest you read the 2 files and see if you understand how it should be done.
Now the US almanac uses states, but the Dutch one does not, as we dont have states in our country only provinces.
Recently the TITLE parameter was added but that is also described in the file header.
I suggest, you use the US alamanc in Ancestris, and then have the file I send you next to it.
That way you can see what information goes where in Ancestris, before you start your own one.
Also, search for Almanac in the userguide to see how things work and what settings you can, or have to use.
Hope this is enough info to start with.