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Topics - Laporello

Pages: [1]
ENGLISH / Configuration of viewing modules
« on: October 10, 2022, 14:35:35 »
I have managed to get the View of Editors arranged by moving the modules around, but they do not remain in the configuration after closing the app. This began after I recovered a backup file from yesterday.
Last night upon closing the app, I received a message that it was not able to be saved. I was unable to open the app this morning until I went to a backup file.
Can you help me find a way to open the app to where I left off without having to rearrange the modules each time?
Also, is there a bug that keeps the file from being saved?

ENGLISH / file backups?
« on: July 05, 2021, 14:08:29 »
I have been using Ancestris for a few months now and have noticed that there are files that appear to be backups of my family tree. They have the same name as the file I created but each new one extends the name with the date as well as an additional number. Are they indeed backups? Should I keep them all and let them fill my hard drive?

Trina Anderson

Pages: [1]