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Messages - cosfordparker

Pages: [1]
ENGLISH / Re: Ancestris disappeared and other woes
« on: December 21, 2020, 20:11:42 »
Thank you, Zurga, for your insights.  I am using Ancestris version 10 and the gedcom has about 1200 people.  When I start the program, I have nearly 8 GB of memory available, but I think you are suggesting it is Java's memory allotment (heap?) that may be causing the problem?

I've uninstalled Ancestris and Java.  I reinstalled Java, but used 15 rather than 8.  Then I reinstalled Ancestris.  It starts and runs very smoothly, has not disappeared, but continues to lock up on Preferences.  I've increased Java's heap twice, ulimately to 1GB, but the problem continues.   :(

ENGLISH / Ancestris disappeared and other woes
« on: December 20, 2020, 11:17:52 »
I'm running Big Sur on a 2015 Macbook Pro.  I loaded Ancestris without difficulty and loaded with a gedcom some difficulty.  Everything worked fine as long as I stayed on the main screen, but moving off of that screen - e.g., preferences - completely froze Ancestris.

This morning I found Ancestris has completely disappeared.  The icon is gone, the application is no longer in launchpad or listed in Applications. A search finds some Ancestris files on my HD, but nothing to run it.


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