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Messages - Paul19804

Pages: [1]
I am up to 16 Generations with a whole lot of siblings in each generation.  In Screen/SVG format, a full tree is displayed nicely.  When generating a PDF format tree, I find several generations at the bottom of the tree and boxes at the right edge cut off ... in mid box.  The same limits are displayed in print.

Is there a limit to just how much you can put in a PDF?


ENGLISH / Re: Heading on a Family Tree
« on: June 24, 2021, 16:59:44 »
Initiate the report (All in one / Graphic ascending/descending .....).  Select Options Tab.  Down to Image.  The parameter for title is $n($I).  If you select it and make it blank, there will be no title.

Thank you, Zurga!  "Duh!", as I smack my forehead.  I set descendants to zero.  Aunts, Uncles are descendants of my ancestors!  Thank you.

ENGLISH / Re: green and red rectangles
« on: June 24, 2021, 13:18:32 »
I questioned those myself, at first, then found the solution in documentation.
My problem was, "What are the two brown squares for?"  I have the most basic form of color blindness, red/green color perception.  It's all shades of brown.  The problem exists for me everywhere, especially for "on-screen selections."
I'm sure you can remove them in the "blueprint" selections, if you wish; I just ignore them.
Great new documentation.  Keep up the good work, guys!

I just upgraded to version 11.  The “All in one” Tree Report has evidently been replaced with “Ascending and descending tree multi-generations” Graphic.  The description, however, is still the same and advises, “see all relatives of a given individual including uncles, cousins, etc….”   There are no siblings in the new report, therefore no uncles, aunts, or cousins.  This tree report does show “other spouses”, but other than that does not stray from simple descendant/ascendant display.

Attached are snippets of the "All in one" and the "Ascending and descending ...." reports on the same individual I00001.

How do I create the sibling display enjoyed in the “All in one” Report? Have I missed one of the option switches?

Thank you.

ENGLISH / Re: Child out of Wedlock by parents with other spouses
« on: November 25, 2020, 17:43:52 »
Thank you, Zurga, for your response.  Another situation you have resolved for me.
I'm still new at that and wasn't aware of the concept of a "Global" add; all my entries have been "relative", so to speak, e.g., "Add a son", "add a daughter", etc. 
Everything worked out well.
Should be some way to give you a "BZ" or "Thumbs Up" for your guidance.
Thanks, again!

ENGLISH / Child out of Wedlock by parents with other spouses
« on: November 24, 2020, 22:30:42 »
I'm at a loss.  There exists a child.  There is a man who has a wife and children.  There is a woman who has a husband and children.

The child is the son of this man who is married to a woman who is not the child's mother.  The child is the son of the woman who is married to man who is not the child's father.

I have attempted to chart this by adding a son to the man.  Then, on the son's profile, "Detach from the family mother..."; then, "Select another mother from the genealogy.."  The result is the man's wife is replaced with the child's mother, retaining all the Family attributes and she becomes mother of all his existing children.  That didn't work.

Graphically, I would draw a dotted line between the man and woman, and hang a child on it.... See the attachment.  The people in this tree snippet DID NOT have a child.  It's just an example.

How do I represent this relationship (you can't really call it a "family") in the Gedcom using Ancestris?

Thank you.

ENGLISH / Re: Text Report - Husband / Wife Relationship
« on: November 24, 2020, 21:06:23 »
Thank you for your quick and comprehensive response.  Your solution went perfectly.  75 other "families" followed that first one and I didn't do it again ... fortunately!
Thanks, again!

ENGLISH / Text Report - Husband / Wife Relationship
« on: August 11, 2020, 16:02:33 »
First Time User.  Entering myself, sister, brother, mother, father, spouse.  Run a text report on an individual (me I00001), "Close Relatives" ..  Report comes back:

Close Relatives of Weaver, Paul James

ID           Name
I00002   Here's my Father

ID           Name
I00003   Here's my Mother

ID          Name
I00004  Here's my Sister

ID          Name
I00005  Here's my Brother

ID          Name
I00006  Here's my WIFE!

I've checked the genders on me (male) and my wife (female) and the report is showing THEIR Relationship to me, e.g., mother, father, sister, etc., EXCEPT in the case of spouse, it shows MY relationship to them, i.e. Husband.  If I run a text, close relatives, report on my spouse, it shows me as her WIFE.

This seems inconsistent (the relationship headings).  Am I doing something wrong?  I've got a big family to input here, and I want to get it right from the start.

Any assistance is appreciated.  Contact me directly, if you wish. 
Thank you.

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