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Messages - mcginncf

Pages: [1]
HI Zurga,

Many thanks indeed. Issue resolved.

By widening the window sections of the reports windows, I finally found the Fonts attribute in the Options section. I selected Sans Serif and the PDF report displays perfectly now.

As I was not able to see the full Options window earlier, I didn't appreciate there was a Fonts options as you previously referenced. I've included the screenshot here in case it might assist others with the same issue.

Kind regards, Conor

Hi Zurga,

I have now installed Java 17 to a Windows 11 & Windows 7 64-bit laptops and then run the Ancestris64.exe. When using the supplied Kennedy .GED database file, the narrative PDF report still produces unreadable characters (see att. 'Kennedy Ancestris V12 Narrative PDF Screenshot 2023-09-22 113809'. The issue seems to only happen with the Lineage reports.

This indicates to me that my source .GED file is not at fault and the issue is Ancestris V12 application related somehow. This must be happening elsewhere with new users.

My only option currently is to use the Ancestris V11 application and correct the errors warnings when importing my Master Genealogist .GED file. When the data is cleaned up, I'll try using the V12 application again at a later date.

Thanks again, Conor McGinn

Hi Zurga,

Thanks for your assistance. I only see Font Size in Options/Preferences/Appearance but no option to change the Font.

In my Ancestris V12, I do not get the Reports listing under Tools/Lists & reports, see attached 'Lists & Reports Ancestris V12 2023-09-17 162711'

In Ancestris V11, I do get the listing under Tools/Lists & reports as attached 'Lists & Reports Ancestris V11 2023-09-17 162347'. Surely I should get the same window showing the reports options listing ?

To achieve the Narrative report in Ancestris V12, I must use the Gedcom Editor, then right-click the selected person and then choose the report which then produces the unreadable characters which I started this post about.

I am running these on Windows 10. I will experiment during the week using a Windows 11 laptop and try and conclude further as to what might be causing the unreadable characters. Using the V12 version is my preference going forward.

Kind regards, Conor

ENGLISH / Ancestris V12 Narrative report returning unreadable characters
« on: September 15, 2023, 16:36:24 »

My Ancestris V12 Narrative report returning unreadable characters like this attached.

Running the same report in Ancestris V11 is ok

Is this a problem with the GEDCOM data which has been imported from The Master Genealogist software. I imported the same GEDCOM file into the V11 program and it displays ok.

Thanks for any assistance, and regards, Conor McGinn (Ireland)

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