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Messages - mother10

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DUTCH / Re: Gencom export Patrilineality (male line)
« on: January 12, 2025, 17:41:45 »
Ik denk dat je bedoelt een gedeeltelijke GEDCOM (in hoofdletters altijd  ;D  ;D  ;D  )

Dat kan via de menuaktie "Opslaan als".
Zie de beschrijving in hoofdstuk "8.3. Opslaan als…"


Je kiest dan voor opslaan van "Gedeeltelijke kopie".
Dan volgt een scherm met mogelijkheden en instellingen.



DUTCH / Re: Raport layout en nummering
« on: January 12, 2025, 10:22:01 »
Geeft niks.  :)

ENGLISH / Re: Where is the menu: "Tools/Search Notepad"?
« on: January 11, 2025, 20:48:01 »
Ok installed the module and things work.
But I still wonder why there is no message saying a new module was created and avaialble for download.

Updates give a little sign in the bottom right corner so you are aware of new updates.
Why not something for new modules too?

Further, looking at the way we can add repositories from the list we get from the menuaction "File/Open Repositories", I also wonder why these new Notes were not done the same way.


Have a "GEDCOM" consisting of a HEAD, a dummy INDI, and a long list of independant NOTE entities, without any connection.
That way it would have been possible to do all actions with these new NOTEs that we want, as the code for that is already in Ancestris.

We could have EDIT, OPEN, SAVE, Copy - Paste, Drag-Drop, Print, anything, without writing any line of extra code. We could have edited them like we edit Notes now.
The name of that GEDCOM could be NONE, for Notes that are general, and for common notes for any other GEDCOM file it could be that GEDCOM files name, followed by _Note or something.

That way these new Notes would follow the same rules as the ones we have now. Would there ever chnage anything in the "Normal" Note entities, those changes would automatically be valid for these notes too.

Well just wondering ........

ENGLISH / Where is the menu: "Tools/Search Notepad"?
« on: January 10, 2025, 18:34:31 »
Hi all,

In the documentation (French and English) I see the menu item "Tools/Search Notepad" and "Bloc-notes de recherche".

But its not in the Ancestris menus itself.
It says with this you can create Notes, independant of a GEDCOM. The page to describe this is present in the docs.

Point 1:
Why does it CREATE, while the menu says SEARCH?

Point 2:
Where is that menu in the current Ancestris?
Cannot find it in the French nor in the English Ancestris.

Seems a handy feature.
Although I would very much like general notes in a GEDCOM too, not just outside a GEDCOM.


ENGLISH / Re: Options to change the layout of a standard report
« on: January 10, 2025, 15:40:25 »
Would Markdown be a solution??

Seems to be a plugin to convert from MD to Word and back.

ENGLISH / Re: Options to change the layout of a standard report
« on: January 10, 2025, 10:53:22 »
Hi 7slaper,

I must have missed your last answer, as I just read it. :( :(

Been thinking about the numbers.
Why not use the general number that Ancestris assigns to each entity.
That is already a number that is unique for each person (and other entity)

It looks like: "I000123", so it always starts with the letter "I", followed by a unique ascending number.
You can renumber if you wish, to make it more to your liking.
Only problem if you renumber more times, the same person in 1 output might get another number in the next output.

But that number always looks and is short. (So maybe that would not be a good idea because that number can change?)

Maybe Ancestris should "invent" a new numbering?

What you say about being able to copy it inside a Word or Openoffice document, including some styling (why not RTF output ??), I think will be a very good addition to Ancestris. And the linking inside reports, I think is needed too, and it should also be possible to copy that in some way.

About showing missing information, that could be controlled by a parameter, denoting if you want or dont want, missing information in a report. (it could make them more readable or more suitable inside the documents you named)

About Gedart: In the Dutch guide I added a bit more information about that and links where to find more info.
Hoping someone would try to make/change some of the reports.
Sofar that did not happen.

I would very much like to know what Zurga AND Frederic have to say about your questions and the possibilities of them, as you now name here. Maybe they can come up with some good solutions that CAN be implemented.

I have asked for a lot of other things to be added/changed, but sofar it does not seem possible to implement, so I gave up there, as I understood some things are really difficult to implement in Ancestris and our volunteer developers only have a certain amount of time.

About Aldfaer: that has a lot of reports written in their own "Report Language". And those are updated often. That language even has special routines to do certain jobs, so very usefull. Problem is, that program is not 100% GEDCOM compliant, so you will have difficulties importing or exporting those. AND it certainly does not offer a lot of things Ancestris does.

So I dont see an easy solution.


ENGLISH / Re: Expansion on adding new places
« on: January 07, 2025, 07:53:56 »
After testing the latest update from 2025-01-06:

Point 2: Labels now fit.

Point 3 and Point 5: Coordinate precision of places in Ancestris. (Latitude and Longitude)

The following is only meant for those who later read this thread:

According to ChatGPT it is as follows, using Amsterdam as an example:

Coordinates of Amsterdam according to Google:  [52.372900590240995, 4.893293380737305]
Coordinates on the preferences screen: [52.372902    and   4.8932934}
  ChatGPT: difference is 0,16 meter, so 16 cm.
Coordinates on the Map screen, where you search and enter new places info: {52.3729 and 4.89329}
  ChatGPT: difference is 0,25 meter, so 25 cm.

As you can see Ancestris does not round the original long values. No ideaa what it does with them.
But now you might understand why the marker you might put somewhere, might move a bit.
As Zurga already said, the difference is minimal.

And for the mathematicians among us:
Python code used by ChatGPT:

Code: [Select]
# Constants
import math

# Coordinates with original precision and saved precision
original_coords = (52.372900590240995, 4.893293380737305)
saved_coords = (52.372902, 4.8932934)

# Earth's radius in meters
earth_radius = 6371000

# Function to calculate the distance between two lat/long coordinates
def haversine(coord1, coord2):
    lat1, lon1 = map(math.radians, coord1)
    lat2, lon2 = map(math.radians, coord2)
    dlat = lat2 - lat1
    dlon = lon2 - lon1
    a = math.sin(dlat / 2)**2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin(dlon / 2)**2
    c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
    return earth_radius * c

# Calculate the distance
distance = haversine(original_coords, saved_coords)

Which gave a result of:  0.1567635034994744 meters.

(With "way longer" I did not mean "drown".)  :(

Point 4: The hints.
They work, but small thing in the Hint: Latitude has a capital L, longitude a small l.


ENGLISH / Re: Expansion on adding new places
« on: January 06, 2025, 19:21:09 »
If thats the case the OK button can go from that screen.
Change the text of the Apply button to SAVE.
Thats way more logicall for a user then.

Take into account the translation.
In Dutch that would be "Noorderbreedte" and "Zuiderbreedte", thats way longer that what is possible now.
In other languages it may be even longer.

3: and 5:
No preferences? What are they doing on the Preferences screen then.
Boxes should be able to contain the whole number of characters from Google, as thats often used if a place cannot be found in  Openstreetmap.
And that happened a lot in my tree as those very old places often are not found in Openstreetmap.

General remark. As a lot of older people have problems witb their sight, at least some bigger fonts should not make boxes and or labels "overflow".
Same for translations, what might be a short word in English or French and fit in a box or label, might turn out a long word in another language.


ENGLISH / Re: Expansion on adding new places
« on: January 06, 2025, 18:25:31 »
Tested the new coordinate feature.
Some remarks:

When I change the values on the preferences screen, somehow Ancestris does not let me logically save them. I can press OK on that screen, but the save button in the main toolbar stayes grayed.

When I close the tree there is no warning either. So it looks like OK on the preferences screen has not the same meaning to Ancestris as OK on other screens.

When i add a change anywhere else, on another screen (after OK on the new coords), I get a warning when I close without saving, but the new coord values still are not saved.
Only when I click apply on the preferences screen, they are saved.
Thats a bit odd as on other screens OK means things are put in the tree, and Ancestris marks the warning if you dont save.

The text "Default coordinates" is not in bold, like "Pictures", and everything is shifted to the right instead of neatly below the other groups on the left.

The word "Latitude" is given as "Latitu...", so it looks as if it does not fit in the label itself.

The boxes for the coord values should be way longer, as now you dont see the whole value.

The boxes dont have a hint explaining what they are for.

5: when I open the mapwindow from the globe, the map is at the correct place now, and the coords are in their respective boxes.
But when the coord values are long like 52.372900590240995, they dont fit in the boxes on the mapscreen.
(these long values are a direct copy from Google, they are given there with that many characters behind the comma, so it would seem logical to be able to see all those characters.)
Hopefully those boxes can be made longer too.

Would it be possible to correct these things?

Thanks for the work.


ENGLISH / Re: Expansion on adding new places
« on: January 06, 2025, 12:33:50 »
Hi all,

I experimented a bit. Using "Koegras" as an example.
Thats a very old "place" that is not used (does not exist) anymore today.
Did that on purpose to see what Openstreetmap would do.

I start with an event that has nothing assigned yet, so no date no place no nothing.
And the tree has no "Koegras" anywhere for another event either.
I use the Cygnus editor. And fill in just "Koegras" in the placebox. (no province no country)
Then I click the globe.
The screen opens with "Koegras" in the Place box, the pointer in the sea near France, and "Koegras" in the city box.
The coords are still wrong and point to the sea near France.

Now all I do is press the "Search"-button.
The map jumps to our province North Holland and the pointer is on the "polder" Koegras. (so the area not the place as that does not exist.)
In the Internet list it then shows Koegras with the info present in Openstreetmap.

Now I could rightclick on the blue pointer and I can choose to have the coords of that position in the boxes.

I must admit I stil have trouble with the buttons "Replace" and "Complete".
But thats not the subject here.

So this is what happens on my side.

Dont know if this helps a bit, I hope it does.


ENGLISH / Re: Expansion on adding new places
« on: January 05, 2025, 15:57:27 »
Hopefully I dont make anyone angry now as I am already very happy with the possibility to add default coords.

So I hardly dare to ask, but I looked in the committed code and saw coords added, but no zoomfactor added.
Would that be possible too, or am I asking too much now? :-[  :-[

That would be so great.


 ;D ;D

Bonjour à tous,

Tout d'abord, je vous souhaite à tous une très bonne et heureuse année 2025, en bonne santé.

Hier (samedi 4 janvier 2025), j'ai participé pour la première fois à la comparaison de généalogies, même si je savais que cela ne m’apporterait pas grand-chose (arbre généalogique néerlandais).

Cependant, je voulais voir comment cela fonctionne, notamment pour éventuellement mettre à jour le chapitre correspondant dans la documentation avec des retours pratiques et des captures d’écran.

Voici mes remarques, souhaits et suggestions basés sur cette expérience.
Je serais ravi d’entendre si d’autres partagent ces observations ou les ressentent de la même manière, et si mes remarques sont confirmées par d'autres utilisateurs.

Il ne s'agit pas de critiques, mais d'améliorations, d'extensions et de perfectionnements de cet outil pratique.

Point 1 :
Il y a un bouton pour réorganiser automatiquement les écrans. Malheureusement, après cela, de nombreux écrans se superposent au lieu d’être disposés côte à côte et en dessous. Si vous avez créé une disposition pratique, vous devez tout recommencer après avoir cliqué sur ce bouton.
Pour ce bouton, je pense que la disposition suivante serait utile :
Créer des colonnes, avec la fenêtre de comparaison et la fenêtre utilisateur correspondante toujours côte à côte (voir aussi le point 7).
Lorsqu’on atteint le bas de la fenêtre de comparaison disponible, une nouvelle colonne commence à droite, et ainsi de suite.
De cette manière, vous pouvez insérer de nombreuses combinaisons dans la fenêtre de comparaison, et je pense que cela créerait un ensemble plus clair.

Point 2 :
Créer un bouton pour enregistrer la disposition (par exemple, la grille du point 1). Ainsi, chacun peut enregistrer sa disposition préférée.

Point 3 :
Lorsqu’un nouvel utilisateur apparaît, toute la disposition est réinitialisée, et vous devez tout réorganiser à nouveau.
Ce serait bien si cela ne se produisait plus.

Point 4 :
Textes des boutons et info-bulles. Les cases à cocher n’indiquent pas réellement une sélection, mais sont en réalité des boutons de commande/action. Par exemple, "View" est essentiellement une commande de scan. Il faudrait donc changer le texte en "Scan".
Dans Trancestris, le texte de la zone de texte récapitulative est actuellement "View". Les traducteurs qui n’ont pas utilisé cet écran pourraient mal l’interpréter.
Par exemple, il est écrit : "Check this box to assess…." Pour un traducteur/utilisateur, cela ne ressemble pas à une commande, alors que c’en est une. Peut-être quelque chose comme : "Check this genealogy for overlap now, YES, NO"? Cela ressemble davantage à une commande.

Il en va de même pour : "Check this box to compare with…." Peut-être quelque chose comme : "Compare this genealogy with yours now, YES, NO"?

Point 5 :
Après avoir utilisé cet outil, je l’ai trouvé extrêmement pratique, mais pour moi, et probablement pour d’autres non-francophones, les résultats sont souvent peu significatifs.
Ne serait-il pas formidable de pouvoir organiser une session privée avec des personnes que vous connaissez ou avec lesquelles vous collaborez déjà ? Quelque chose de similaire à une session Zoom où vous pouvez inviter des gens ? Je veux dire en dehors de l’heure fixe.
Cela nécessiterait peut-être une coordination avec Ancestris en raison du serveur, mais cela permettrait aussi aux non-francophones d’en tirer davantage parti.
Sinon, peut-être ajouter cela à la liste des tâches à faire ?

Point 6 :
Couleurs. S’il n’est pas possible d’avoir une grille fixe pour les écrans dans l’outil de comparaison, serait-il possible d’utiliser des couleurs ?
Coloriez les lignes qui vont ensemble. Coloriez les en-têtes des sous-écrans qui vont ensemble.
L’utilisation des couleurs améliore grandement la visibilité et facilite la localisation des éléments.

Point 7 :
Hauteurs des écrans. Actuellement, les sous-écrans des fenêtres de comparaison et des fenêtres utilisateur n’ont pas la même hauteur, ce qui complique leur positionnement.
La fenêtre utilisateur a quatre icônes disposées en paires, sans texte.
Un sous-écran de comparaison a deux icônes avec du texte à côté. Cependant, dans tous les cas, vous pouvez survoler une icône avec la souris pour voir ce qu’elle représente. Après quelques utilisations, vous le saurez. Donc, le texte dans les sous-écrans de comparaison pourrait être supprimé, mais le nombre devrait rester. Ensuite, les deux icônes pourraient être placées côte à côte, ce qui rendrait tous les sous-écrans de la même hauteur.

Point 8 :
L’écran des statistiques et des résultats : veuillez ajouter des séparateurs horizontaux entre les différentes sections.

Point 9 :
Bouton popup du profil utilisateur (le deuxième bouton à gauche dans l’en-tête de cet écran complet).
Cela fait apparaître une boîte déroulante. Pourquoi ne pas en faire une fenêtre séparée et déplaçable ? Vous pourriez ainsi la garder ouverte et la placer dans un endroit pratique, ce qui permettrait une meilleure vue d’ensemble dans un écran "chargé" avec de nombreux utilisateurs connectés. De là, vous pourriez activer ou désactiver la visibilité des utilisateurs.
En outre :

Attribuez un numéro à chaque utilisateur (cela pourrait peut-être aussi être affiché dans l’en-tête des sous-écrans correspondants).
Affichez tout dans cet écran, y compris toutes les informations affichées dans l’écran utilisateur (le 4e icône manque actuellement ?) ainsi que les détails de l’écran de comparaison.
Vous pourriez ensuite utiliser ce nouvel écran comme un aperçu pratique et travailler à partir de là si vous le souhaitez.


ENGLISH / Comments following last night: comparing genealogies
« on: January 05, 2025, 13:12:37 »
Hello everyone,

First of all, I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2025.

Yesterday (Saturday, January 4, 2025), I participated for the first time in comparing genealogies, even though I knew it wouldn’t yield much for me (Dutch family tree).

However, I wanted to experience how it works, partly to potentially update the chapter on this in the documentation with practical experience and screenshots.

Below are my comments, wishes, and suggestions based on that experience.
I’d love to hear whether others see and/or experience this the same way and whether my comments are shared or endorsed by more users.

This is not criticism but is intended to refine, expand, and perfect this useful tool.

Point 1:
There is a button to automatically rearrange the screens. Unfortunately, afterward, many screens overlap instead of being placed side by side and below each other. So, if you’ve created a convenient layout, you’ll have to start all over after clicking that button.
For that button, I think the following layout would be useful:
Create columns with the comparison window and the corresponding user window always side by side (see also point 7).
When the bottom of the available comparison window is reached, start a new column to the right, and so on.
This way, you can fit many combinations in the comparison window, and I think it would create a clearer overview.

Point 2:
Create a button to save the layout (for example, the grid from point 1). This way, everyone can save their preferred layout.

Point 3:
When a new user appears, the entire layout is reset, and you have to rearrange everything again.
It would be great if this no longer happened.

Point 4:
Button texts and popup hints. The checkmarks don’t actually indicate a selection but are actually command/action buttons. For example, "View" is essentially a scan command. So, change the text to "Scan."
In Trancestris, the text of the overview textbox is currently "View." Translators who haven’t used this screen might interpret this incorrectly.
For example, it says: "Check this box to assess…." For a translator/user, that doesn’t look like a command, which it actually is. Maybe something like: "Check this genealogy for overlap now, YES, NO"? That looks more like a command.

The same goes for: "Check this box to compare with…." Maybe something like: "Compare this genealogy with yours now, YES, NO"?

Point 5:
After working with this tool, I found it extremely useful, but for me, and probably for more non-French speakers, the results are often not meaningful.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could have your own session with people you know or already collaborate with? Something similar to, for example, a Zoom session where you can invite people? I mean outside the fixed time slot.
This might need to be coordinated with Ancestris because of the server, but then non-French users would benefit more as well.
Otherwise, perhaps this could be added to the TODO list?

Point 6:
Colors. If it’s not possible to have a fixed grid for the screens in the comparison tool, could it be possible to work with colors?
Color the lines that belong together. Color the headers of the subscreens that belong together.
Using colors greatly improves visibility and the ability to locate elements.

Point 7:
Screen heights. Currently, the comparison window and user window subscreens are not the same height, which makes positioning them harder.
The user window has four icons arranged in pairs, without text.
A comparison subscreen has two icons with text next to them. However, in all cases, you can hover over an icon with your mouse to see what it represents. After a few times, you’ll know. So, the text in the comparison subscreens can be removed, but the number should remain. Then the two icons can be placed side by side, making all subscreens the same height.

Point 8:
The statistics and results screen: please add horizontal dividers between the different sections.

Point 9:
User profile popup button (the second button from the left in the header of this entire screen).
This brings up a dropdown box. Why not make it a separate, movable window? This way, you can keep it open and place it in a convenient location, allowing for better oversight in a "full" screen with many users logged in. From there, you could toggle user visibility on or off.

Assign each user a number (this could perhaps also be displayed in the header of the corresponding subscreens).
Display everything in this screen, including all information shown in a user’s screen (the 4th icon is missing now?) and the details from the comparison screen.
You could then use this new screen as a handy overview and work from there if desired.

Best regards,

ENGLISH / Re: Expansion on adding new places
« on: January 03, 2025, 20:33:36 »
Hi Zurga,

That would be great!!!


ENGLISH / Expansion on adding new places
« on: January 03, 2025, 17:44:08 »
Thinking about adding New Places, I want to propose a new feature.

As far as I know it has been mentioned already some time ago, so its in fact not my idea.
But that was before, or around the time,  Ancestris 13 was released and there was no time to do that.

Hopefully now there is time.

When adding a new place, the map defaults to some unknown place in the ocean near France (why France?  ;D  ;D  ), with a zoomfactor that does not help in figuring out (quickly) where that is.

Would it be possible to choose a default depending on some information in a users GEDCOM?
Like for instance the country of the submitter?

If this could work, together with what is mentioned by Bernth here:  that would be great!
Then you can quickly shift the marker to where you want it.


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