ENGLISH / Relationship
« on: October 23, 2021, 21:54:22 »
Is there any way to generate the relationship of a certain individual to De Cujus or to any other individual in the family tree? I have found the way how to generate the Sosa d’Aboville ID which can be displayed in a separate column in the entities’ table. There is another column with the heading Relationship. I thought this might be for the relationship corresponding to the given Sosa d’Aboville ID. But I might be wrong. In any case this column (Relationship) is always empty in my database. Is there any way to fill it? But maybe it is not what I think it is. The Sosa ID is good and mathematically correct and unequivocal, but is there a way to translate it into a human language, say into English. English is not my native language. Ancestris has different language settings for reports and the user interface. So I am aware of the linguistics challenge in generating kinship relationships in all the supported languages.
Ragards: László
Is there any way to generate the relationship of a certain individual to De Cujus or to any other individual in the family tree? I have found the way how to generate the Sosa d’Aboville ID which can be displayed in a separate column in the entities’ table. There is another column with the heading Relationship. I thought this might be for the relationship corresponding to the given Sosa d’Aboville ID. But I might be wrong. In any case this column (Relationship) is always empty in my database. Is there any way to fill it? But maybe it is not what I think it is. The Sosa ID is good and mathematically correct and unequivocal, but is there a way to translate it into a human language, say into English. English is not my native language. Ancestris has different language settings for reports and the user interface. So I am aware of the linguistics challenge in generating kinship relationships in all the supported languages.
Ragards: László