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Topics - JoPol

Pages: [1]
ENGLISH / svg export
« on: August 06, 2014, 15:44:14 »
An SVG export of the dynamic tree view would be on my wish list, or something with similar content. I tried to import a .ged file with yEd, it does a fine job except that it only shows names and optionally dates. I like the freedom of the blueprints but also like the freedom of SVG to make specific changes with a common purpose editor, all depending on the story I want to tell with a diagram.

ENGLISH / problems reading gedcom
« on: November 14, 2012, 12:12:36 »
I suppose I had it working in the former GenJ development environment. But I don't manage to read a gedcom file in a stand-alone main class in Ancestris. In the Jena-upgrade thread I explain which development environment I'm using. Below how I'm trying with Ancestris installed on Windows.
thanks in advance for helping out again
Code: [Select]
>java  -Xmx1024M -Dnetbeans.user.dir=C:\Users\XXX\Documents\ancestris-20121002\ancestris\bin -Dnetbeans.home=C:\Users\XXX\Documents\ancestris-20121002\ancestris\platform -Dnetbeans.user=C:\Users\XXX\Appdata\Roaming\.ancestris\trunk -Dnetbeans.dirs=C:\Users\XXX\Documents\ancestris-20121002\ancestris\ancestris genjreports.rdf.gedsem.Convert -gedcom C:\Users\XXX\Documents\ancestris-20121002\ancestris\ancestris\exemples\gen-kennedy\kennedy.ged -uri -format ttl   1>gedcom.ttl
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at genjreports.rdf.gedsem.Convert.readGedcom(
        at genjreports.rdf.gedsem.Convert.main(
The can be found here:

ENGLISH / jena upgrade
« on: November 02, 2012, 20:45:43 »

I would like to upgrade to the latest jena version for the SPARQL plugin. It should be more efficient and I could fix the spooky workaround in mashup.bat
The upgrade would mean replacing ancestris.libs.jena/2.6.4 and ancestris.libs.apache.log4j/1.2.13 in project.xml
But I don’t want to break the nightly build again, there might be conflicts with components using another version of log4j. I have no Idea where to place the jars themselves but I do know where to find them.

We need at least:

eclipse shows also the following jars in the maven dependency hierarchy, currently it seems to work without (like it used to do without the log4j ;-)


ENGLISH / missing menu entry
« on: October 27, 2012, 18:21:15 »
I wanted to make some screenshots but the gedcom menu entry only appears in the 0.7 version with the SPARQL plugin deactivated. See attached screenshot. I have both the 0.7 and trunk version installed.

ENGLISH / about - versions : incomplete
« on: October 14, 2012, 14:22:05 »
The versions overview of the about dialog does not list the SPARQL report plugin.
Ancestris version 0.8beta - 3539

ENGLISH / geo plugin collecting data for sparql plugin
« on: October 08, 2012, 17:49:36 »

In the mashup help page for the SPARQL plugin, I describe a manual procedure to collect external data. It is a tedious task and probably too technical for many users. So it could better be automated. As the geo plugin already uses geonames, it could do the first step. I made a start with the next steps. Could you / do you want to build that into the geo plugin? Is the geo plugin aware whether the SPARL plugin is installed or not? Other  thoughts, objections?

Help page:

Attached is my interface so far. I have not decided yet about a proper package name. It will need more options to decide what is wanted and what is not wanted from dbpedia.

ENGLISH / too long labels
« on: October 04, 2012, 19:02:23 »
See attachment. I guess the width of labels should not be fixed but adapt to their content.

ENGLISH / mash-up help page
« on: October 03, 2012, 19:18:35 »

I guess the new mash-up help page for the SPARQL plugin is about ready for a thorough review. Where do I need to clear some mud with rephrasing?

Updates did not work for me since the 0.7 release. So I tested the page only with browsers. I suppose I need some new beta build that does update so I view the real help pages myself. Thanks Daniel for the typo's you fixed already.

The FAQ about collecting external resources might be intimidating to many users. If the mash-up potential sounds interesting enough, perhaps the geo-plugin could automate some of these steps.

Pages: [1]