ENGLISH / Plausibility check: to much false-positives
« on: July 28, 2024, 18:39:56 »
a lot (more than 200) of problems are reported within plausibity check with my converted GEDCOM 5.5.1 file.
These all follow a pattern for any INDI:
2 DATE AFT 1945
2 DATE ABT 1946
2 PLAC XYZ, pow. Opole, , , ,
2 ADDR 15
2 SOUR @S284@
3 PAGE 99
The check delivers:
Residence (about 1946) after Death (after 1945) of ... (I6372) ...
The story behind is, that I found a list of inhabitants, created between 1945 and 1947 which was extended in several steps.
But no entry is dated in the turmoil after the Second World War.
So I can say that a person resides there around 1946 (not precise information) and died after 1945 (also not precisely).
Earliest the person can be died in year 1945 (interim result of the research).
This also applies to other sources.
A person with OCCU ... in year 1805 (easter) can be died earliest in year 1805, so AFT 1804 is correct.
OCCU / RESI ... are facts (individual attributes) and DEAT is an event, which is distinguished in GEDCOM standard (here 5.5.1).
And in addition: a ">=" is not possible in GEDCOM and a FROM - TO is not allowed for events.
I think both dates deliver a logically "true" in connection and are a false-positive result.
In other words, the results are not mutually exclusive and are not contradictory.
My problem is that many reports of this result mask other possible checks that need to be verified.
In principe no fact or individual attribute with date is allowed:
- before birt (exaxt date) and
- after death (exact date).
That means that no check should be performed
- without date,
- date ABT
- date AFT (death)
- date BEF (birth).
It could be a good idea to encapsulate the checks in functions like IsDeathApplicable() or IsBirtApplicable().
Then the handling of only known year could be realized there (birt.year --> 01.01.YYYY and death.year --> 31.12.YYYY).
Please change the plausibility check in that way, that the described false-poitives does no more appear.
(No other of my GEDCOM Apps is delivering a warning or error).
My config:
Ancestris-Version : 13.0.12817
Java: 21.0.3+7-LTS-152 - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-21
System: Windows 11 - 10.0
a lot (more than 200) of problems are reported within plausibity check with my converted GEDCOM 5.5.1 file.
These all follow a pattern for any INDI:
2 DATE AFT 1945
2 DATE ABT 1946
2 PLAC XYZ, pow. Opole, , , ,
2 ADDR 15
2 SOUR @S284@
3 PAGE 99
The check delivers:
Residence (about 1946) after Death (after 1945) of ... (I6372) ...
The story behind is, that I found a list of inhabitants, created between 1945 and 1947 which was extended in several steps.
But no entry is dated in the turmoil after the Second World War.
So I can say that a person resides there around 1946 (not precise information) and died after 1945 (also not precisely).
Earliest the person can be died in year 1945 (interim result of the research).
This also applies to other sources.
A person with OCCU ... in year 1805 (easter) can be died earliest in year 1805, so AFT 1804 is correct.
OCCU / RESI ... are facts (individual attributes) and DEAT is an event, which is distinguished in GEDCOM standard (here 5.5.1).
And in addition: a ">=" is not possible in GEDCOM and a FROM - TO is not allowed for events.
I think both dates deliver a logically "true" in connection and are a false-positive result.
In other words, the results are not mutually exclusive and are not contradictory.
My problem is that many reports of this result mask other possible checks that need to be verified.
In principe no fact or individual attribute with date is allowed:
- before birt (exaxt date) and
- after death (exact date).
That means that no check should be performed
- without date,
- date ABT
- date AFT (death)
- date BEF (birth).
It could be a good idea to encapsulate the checks in functions like IsDeathApplicable() or IsBirtApplicable().
Then the handling of only known year could be realized there (birt.year --> 01.01.YYYY and death.year --> 31.12.YYYY).
Please change the plausibility check in that way, that the described false-poitives does no more appear.
(No other of my GEDCOM Apps is delivering a warning or error).
My config:
Ancestris-Version : 13.0.12817
Java: 21.0.3+7-LTS-152 - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-21
System: Windows 11 - 10.0