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Ancestris Support => ENGLISH => Topic started by: mette on October 16, 2017, 12:03:08

Title: Unvisible note in the Aries editor - Solved
Post by: mette on October 16, 2017, 12:03:08

I use Windows 10, Ancestris, Java 1.8.0_144. Danish version.

When I use Aries editor and fill in my first Note, the text i shown and I can write and copy-paste and edit. When I choose OK there is not shown anything in the ID and nothing in the Note. But if I doubble click in the blank area I can see my note again and edit it.

I enclose a screendump.

Kind regards
Mette, Denmark
Title: Re : Unvisible note in the Aries editor
Post by: arvernes on October 16, 2017, 13:08:58
Hello Mette,
Here it works fine.
I've created a fake note, and it is well displayed. In that window of a Note, you have two columns, one is the ID, in case of an non embedded note, and the second column is the note itself. Maybe you have to resize the width of each of those columns... See the screen capture.
Hope that helps. Francois
Title: Sv: Unvisible note in the Aries editor
Post by: mette on October 16, 2017, 13:43:56
Yes, after a restart I now can see my note in the right side. Thanks.

Title: Re: Unvisible note in the Aries editor - Solved
Post by: arvernes on October 16, 2017, 13:53:14
Yes, but it should be displayed right after you enter it. Here that's the way it works. Francois