Ancestris Support > ENGLISH



Looking at a family in the Aries editor, left or right-clicking on a father's or mother's default image does nothing. Right clicking on the default image in individual view brings up a window showing an image with a broken link, left-clicking brings up the image for editing as expected.

This is on Linux, latest build.

For the family part, this doesn't seem unusual.
The pictures should be modified from the individual form.

I don't reproduce the trouble on the individual form.
Right or left click opens the media editor.



--- Quote from: Zurga on September 28, 2023, 19:34:47 ---For the family part, this doesn't seem unusual.
The pictures should be modified from the individual form.

--- End quote ---
Yes, that makes sense but in that case the hover-over message/tooltip needs to be removed from the images in family view.

Regarding right-click on the image in indi view, I misunderstood the hover-over message/tooltip. I think it would be better if it said 'Right-click on image to replace' rather than '...add a new one'.


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