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Messages - arvernes

Pages: 1 ... 21 22 [23] 24 25 ... 46
FRANÇAIS / Re : Changer la mère
« on: October 28, 2017, 13:00:07 »
J'ai jamais fait la manip, mais là je viens de faire un test et ça à l'air d'être bon.
Donc il faut ouvrir la vue arbre et l'éditeur gedcom.
On double click sur le mariage de A et B. Dans l'éditeur gedcom, on se place sur le tag WIFE, et on fait supprimer (click droit - supprimer). Ca efface cette personne du couple.
Ensuite, on se place sur A dans la vue arbre et là on fait un clic droit ajouter un conjoint, et comme c'est une personne déjà existante, on dit que le conjoint est C (on ne créé pas un nouveau conjoint).
Logiquement, ça doit mettre tous les enfants du couple précédent, donc A avec B, comme les enfants de A et C.
encore une fois, on ne fait ça, que si l'on a fait une sauvegarde de son gedcom auparavant, car si ça ne marche pas comme prévu, on aura toujours le moyen de revenir en arrière.

Il y a peut être une autre manip, voir même une plus simple. D'autre donneront leurs approches à cette question. Francois

DANSK / Re: Media-files
« on: October 28, 2017, 12:48:25 »
Hej Arne,

Læsning af filformater afhænger ikke af Ancestris, men på Java selv. Så alle filer understøttes. For .tiff-filer er Java ikke nationalt i stand til at læse dem, så vi skal foretage ændringer for at få dem til at læse. Så hvis du har brug for at læse .tiff-filer, vil vi se, hvordan du støtter dem også.
Jeg tilføjer en test, jeg lavede til de vigtigste billedformater. Med venlig hilsen,

Reading file formats does not depend upon Ancestris, but upon Java itself. So all the files are supported. For .tiff files, java is not natively able to read them, so we need to make changes to make them read too. So if you need to read .tiff files we will see how to support them too.
I add a test I made for the main image formats.
Of course you can add already all tiff files you want with Ancestris, but they won't be displayed in the editor or the tree view, until we add a specific library to Ancestris code. Actually your gedcom file must contains all tiff files associated with your genealogy. It's not a problem at all, Ancestris loads them without a problem. It's just a display matter. We will add that display support soon.
Best regards,


DANSK / Bogmærke i dynamisk træ
« on: October 27, 2017, 14:06:00 »
Du kan oprette bogmærker fra dynamisk træ. Så du kan omplacere dig selv på de samme personer eller familier, som du har oprettet disse bogmærker til, til enhver tid uden at skulle søge
Meg venlig hilsen

FRANÇAIS / Re: Dates après importation
« on: October 26, 2017, 07:42:09 »
Le module d'importation des fichiers provenant de MacFamilyTree, vient d'être amélioré par Frédéric. Testez le, mais moi sur le fichier que vous m'aviez fait passer, ça marche super bien. Faites des essais et dites nous si c'est bon. Francois

DANSK / Re: Ancestris på 2 Pc'ere
« on: October 25, 2017, 11:45:57 »
Ancestris på 2 Pc'ere
Er dette muligt?
Ja, selvfølgelig
Ancestris  på 2 Pc'ere, på 3 Pc'ere, på 10 Pc'ere, på xxx Pc'ere. Ancestris er helt gratis og ubegrænset.
Venlig hilsen, Francois

DANSK / Re : Mit skærmbillede driller...
« on: October 24, 2017, 13:09:28 »
Hej Mette,
Jeg tror, det er fordi javascript ikke er aktiveret på din computer. Jeg foreslår at vise dig direkte hvordan man gør. Venstre klik på fanen. Du holder venstre klik og flytter vinduet til det ønskede sted. En rød ramme vil vise dig, hvor den vil blive dokket.
Med venlig hilsen

DANSK / Re : Mit skærmbillede driller...
« on: October 23, 2017, 13:23:22 »
Hei Mette,
Det er meget nemt. Bare flyt vinduet til det ønskede sted. Jeg lavede en lille video på fransk, du skal se det hele vejen, for det er i slutningen, at jeg forklarer, hvordan man flytter vinduer.

DANSK / Re : Fejl ved opstart
« on: October 23, 2017, 08:38:00 »
Hej Mette,

Væren editor er mere kompliceret end Cygnus editor. Forfatteren af udgiveren Cygnus er Frédéric, som du kender. Han kan foretage forbedringer, ændringer. For Vædderen er han ikke forfatteren, og det er mere kompliceret. Jeg anbefaler, at en nybegynder bruger Cygnus-editoren. For de mere erfarne skal du bruge Gedcom-editoren, som er ekstremt kraftfuld.

As my message in danish is written using Google translation engine (which is not good), it's more secure to write it in english :
The Aries editor is more difficult to use and more complicated than the Cygnus editor. The author of Cygnus editor is Frédéric, you know well. He can make improvements, modifications. For Aries, he is not the author and it is more complicated. I advise for a beginner to use the Cygnus editor. For the more experienced ones, you have to use the Gedcom editor which is extremely powerful (that's the one I use for years and years).

Venlig hilsen

DANSK / Re : Fejl ved opstart
« on: October 21, 2017, 22:14:19 »
Hej Mette,
Tak for gedcom filen. Jeg forstod de to første advarsler.
As you created a test file, you didn't fullfill all information. With Ancestris we allowed you not to complete a record for an element, for a birth, a death even if those information are mandatory .... You are free not to do give all information you should do. In some programs, as long as you don't fullfill a field, you're not able to save the information. Here you do what you want. Maybe we will add warnings if the user doesn't give all mandatory element for an event. The gedcom specifications make certain information as mandatory, As you reported that, we are thinking about what is better to do in the future. (Frederic and I are working on that).
For the second warning, it's not a problem, it's just because there is a reference to a file, and that file doesn't exist or is not where it is expected on the computer.
Now, the SOUR @@, I've mistreated the program itself for three hours, and i've never been able to reproduce that. Sorry, but we need more information from you. That's the first time I 've ever seen such a record. No idea at all. keep on the good work ;-) Tak. Francois

DANSK / Re: Fejl ved opstart
« on: October 21, 2017, 16:34:25 »
How did you create those "sources" ? Did you create a source without giving the information of which sources you want to link?  which editor did you use? which process did you follow to create them? Francois

P.S. I would be interested about the process you followed to create such a "source", because i've tried from different maners using the three editors, i've never succeed to create a source with just two @ :-)

DANSK / Re: Fejl ved opstart
« on: October 21, 2017, 13:34:07 »
Hej Mette,
I'm sorry, but I can't explain in danish ;-( let's go with english. Maybe you will be able to translate it later to danish.
According to your screen captures, you have different problems in your genealogy. Some references are missing.

Let's go with the Sources. Take a look to your indi Henriette Rosenberg Nielsen.
at the end of the BIRTh tag, you have :
SOUR Kirkebog fodsel (I can't write your special "o" ;-) )
Between the two @ you should have something, but here nothing; So your previous genealogy program did something wrong when recording your entries.
It's not a problem, though. If you want me to fix your genealogy, send it to me (a private message of course).
You have the same problem at the end of the record, after OBJE Kirkebog konfirmation 1933 (M00006)

Then you said you have Sources with ID (? your screen capture doesn't show the ID numbers) not found. That's the same problem. In your gedcom file, you must have references to sources with ID number xxx which don't exist in your genealogy. Thank you to your previous genealogy program :-(

Venlig hilsen. Francois

ENGLISH / Re: Unvisible note in the Aries editor - Solved
« on: October 16, 2017, 13:53:14 »
Yes, but it should be displayed right after you enter it. Here that's the way it works. Francois

ENGLISH / Re : Unvisible note in the Aries editor
« on: October 16, 2017, 13:08:58 »
Hello Mette,
Here it works fine.
I've created a fake note, and it is well displayed. In that window of a Note, you have two columns, one is the ID, in case of an non embedded note, and the second column is the note itself. Maybe you have to resize the width of each of those columns... See the screen capture.
Hope that helps. Francois

ENGLISH / Re : Change ‘Lastnames without versals’ don’t work.
« on: October 16, 2017, 12:54:50 »
Hello Mette,
What do  you want exactly. You want your first name and last name to be written which way:
Mette Hansen
Mette hansen
mette hansen
mette Hansen
In the preferences menu, item Editing, unchecked the option : "Force all lastnames to uppercase"
Something to remember : If you want to create a child from someone whose last name is in upper case, the last name of that child will be in upper case, but or course, you can change it to lower case. I tested here, and it works fine.
The tests I've made were made using the gedcom editor as it is the only one I use. Francois

Effectivement, il faut créer deux familles;
La première avec un homme qui peut d'ailleurs être inconnu, avec lequel elle a pu avoir cet enfant. Il faut pas voir l'homme ici comme un conjoint, mais comme le père d'un enfant. Donc ce n'est pas une erreur de voir dans l'arbre ce premier compagnon. Au niveau famille, bien sûr il ne faudra pas  mettre de mariage ni lieu ni date. On peut simplement mettre une note dans laquelle on met par exemple que ce couple a vécu ensemble pendant xxx mois, années, .?
Ensuite on créé un deuxième compagnon à cette femme qui là sera son conjoint, donc pour lequel on aura une date et lieu de mariage.
Une nouvelle fois il ne faut pas voir dans sa généalogie une famille comme un couple marié.

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