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Messages - FionaB

Pages: [1]
ENGLISH / Re: Are photos included in a GEDCOM file?
« on: December 10, 2023, 19:25:39 »
Thanks for this.  How do I define a location of a photo file in the GEDCOM file?

ENGLISH / Are photos included in a GEDCOM file?
« on: December 09, 2023, 21:44:46 »
Hi. I've just joined and reading all the info. Before I go ahead and transfer my tree to Ancestris, could someone tell me if, when I import the GEDCOM file, all the photos that were attached to individuals on the previous tree come across with the GEDCOM? I've read that GEDCOM is a text only file, therefore photos and other media aren't transferred over.  I've downloaded version 11 onto Windows.
Any info gratefully received.

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