Ancestris Support > DANSK

LØST! GED Eksport

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Who are answering what?  Zurga, or Arvernes ;-)

To Zurga!  It was new to me, that I could choose to have a specific number of auto saved files. I have'nt seen this before. So by this, the "problem" with all the files, are declared.

--- Quote ---Because there is no transformation from your file that need an "export".
If you just copy everything, no need to export, copy from your file explorer.
--- End quote ---

For me, it would be the logically way, to do an export of a Tree, directly from the program, and the File I'm working on, and give it a new name, by exporting. That's why I think it is the way (thats how other similar Sofware program works).

--- Quote ---Because you create a new file with no information cached on what was the Probant of your file.
So, by default, it opens on the first individual found.

--- End quote ---

This I can't see the logic in. If you work on a File, in Ancestris, or any other program. Then I think you will expect to get the open File you work on saved, when using "Save As", as that work, and not something else, taken from, in this case, the first piece of name found. Are you working in that way, by example in any Office programs? In Word, or Excel, or other. "Save As" save the file you working on, as it is, by the second it saved, and not as any other piece of File.


As a little addition to the "save As" and autosave. By autosaving, why are the File date and time not changed on the File, but only the name?

Take a look at the Picture included.

Filens dato og klokkeslæt er filens dato og klokkeslæt, før den blev ændret. Det er et valg.
Din fil hedder :
det betyder, at du gemte din slægtsforskning den 31. maj 2021 (20210531 = år-måned-dag) kl. 22 timer 57 minutter og 03 sekunder (225703 = time-minut-sekunder)
Din fil er dateret 07-02-2014 - 10:24
Så sidste gang du brugte holmesson.GED-filen var i 2014, den 2. februar kl. 10:24
Jeg synes, det er nyttigt at have denne dato og dette tidspunkt, da du har begge oplysninger på samme tid. Filnavnet giver dig dato og klokkeslæt for gemmene, og datoen og klokkeslættet for filen er ikke blevet ændret på din computer, så du ved, hvor gammel filen var, før den blev ændret, hvis du har brug for disse oplysninger.
Som jeg sagde, er det et valg.

Hi Francois!

So you think it's useful to have that information, about a Files last saving date and time, in the File name!!!

--- Quote ---Så sidste gang du brugte holmesson.GED-filen var i 2014, den 2. februar kl. 10:24
--- End quote ---
No it was not the last time I used the File. The last time was the time Ancestris added to the file name. So when I search for a file, I can always normally see when it last was saved, by looking for the date and time in the File spec. (thats why it's a part of the options in File search), and not by search for an unknown date stamp in the File name. As now, I have a File wich is changed at the 31-05-2021, but that info are not set into my File, which are fully opposite to all other standard of File saving.

And still, this to "Save As" with the Tree I'm actually working on, change the Tree fully, with a new Proband, even that I HAVE chosen a Proband in the actual Tree.
And I still can't see any logic in, why it should/could be correct so. What are the purpose for that??  I just want to save the actual Tree I'm working on, in another name, and with the fully working Tree as I worked on, and not a fully other Tree, because I use "Save As".


Hej Bernth,

Jeg foretrækker at forsøge at skrive på dansk, fordi dette er et dansk forum, ikke engelsk

--- Quote ---So you think it's useful to have that information, about a Files last saving date and time, in the File name!!!
--- End quote ---
Ja, jeg synes, det er nyttigt at have dato og klokkeslæt for denne sikkerhedskopi med i backupfilens navn. Det er ikke alle, der ser på datoen og klokkeslættet i selve filen for at kende datoen for sikkerhedskopien. Hvis disse backup-filer generer dig, kan du angive, at du ikke ønsker automatisk backup. Det er et plus. Du kan vælge at have automatiske sikkerhedskopier eller ikke at have nogen.

--- Quote ---And still, this to "Save As" with the Tree I'm actually working on, change the Tree fully, with a new Proband, even that I HAVE chosen a Proband in the actual Tree.
And I still can't see any logic in, why it should/could be correct so. What are the purpose for that??  I just want to save the actual Tree I'm working on, in another name, and with the fully working Tree as I worked on, and not a fully other Tree, because I use "Save As".
--- End quote ---
Hvad angår "Gem som", er jeg enig med dig, og jeg spurgte udviklerne, om de kunne tilføje det.


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