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Messages - Paul

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ENGLISH / Re: Usability suggestions: Aries Editor
« on: October 16, 2019, 07:31:19 »
I hope you can live without it for the moment... :-).
Certainly, it's not that important.

Thumbnails could be generated and stored with the same filename in a ./thumbnails folder whenever a new media object is added. It would be an order of magnitude quicker to load them rather than generating them from possibly large files on the fly. But I do wonder if it's worth having the tiny icons in the list at all :D

Switching to spouse: the most direct way you have is the right-click (on the aries editor somewhere between sex menu list and sosa number: Navigate to > Spouse
Ah, I never thought of that - thank you!

ENGLISH / Re: Usability suggestions: Aries Editor
« on: October 15, 2019, 08:33:34 »
More with regard to the Gallery tab:

Switching to that tab can be very slow - where there are say 5 or 6 multimedia objects it can take almost 2 seconds for the tab to become active after clicking its title.

Just a thought, is it maybe that the generation of thumbnails in the table is being done on the fly? That might explain the delay as some of my indis have several large images attached.TBH I don't find the thumbnails that useful as they are often too small to determine the actual content of the image (and there could be other ways to denote the favourite image).

EDIT: Just noticed something else... I have Aries open with entities table and dynamic tree window next to it. If I have the Gallery tab open it is also very slow to switch between the tabs of the other two windows i.e. the gallery tab is affecting the other windows. Hope I've explained that ok -  see attached!

ENGLISH / Re: Problems setting up an account
« on: October 14, 2019, 20:01:09 »
Hi Keith

Greetings from Staffordshire.

If you're not sure whether Java is installed, open a terminal and type in:

java --version

It'll tell you which version is installed.

If it is a security setting I'm afraid I can't help as I've never used a mac but I'm sure someone here will help - if not try a post on Rootschat ( in the technical help section :D


ENGLISH / Re: Problems setting up an account
« on: October 14, 2019, 16:43:51 »
Can you describe the problem in more detail?

(There is no 'account' to set up by the way, Ancestris is an offline application)



ENGLISH / Aries Editor Clone - Bug?
« on: October 14, 2019, 09:51:07 »
If I try to clone an Aries editor window via right-click I end up with a new view which displays only the person's name etc in the header. It reacts to changes in other views but continues to show no other data.

Personally I wouldn't want to use two editors, I just thought I'd point out the issue. I notice that dynamic tree and entities table can't be cloned.

Since new windows can be opened via double-clicks in 'Spouses&Children' anyway is there any point in having a clone option anywhere in the program? (Maybe it's useful somewhere that I haven't explored yet! :D )

ENGLISH / Re: Usability suggestions: Aries Editor
« on: October 14, 2019, 07:31:29 »
Downloaded update but still says 'Parents & Sibling' rather than siblings. Maybe you changed it after committing other changes...?

The INDI name, the lock icons, the tab icons and the correct plurals are all great - thanks!

The divider-dragging issue only happens when the gallery tab is open; if I switch to 'Events' for example (for the same person) the dragging is normal.

EDIT: Maybe I'm missing this but is there some way to switch directly to a person's spouse within Aries?

In the Spouses&Children tab I can double-click to edit the family or double click on a child to open an editor window for them but there doesn't seem to be a way to switch the view to a spouse (other than edit family and then choose the little edit button in the mother or father box).

Maybe a right-click context menu with 'switch to this person' would do it, allowing users to switch to a spouse or child without opening another window?

ENGLISH / Re: Usability suggestions: Aries Editor
« on: October 13, 2019, 22:13:18 »
Siblings :D

ENGLISH / Re: Usability suggestions: Aries Editor
« on: October 13, 2019, 19:54:27 »
Did the tab title 'Parents & Siblings' change - mine says Parents & Sibling now.

And how come the 'Spouses & Children' and 'Alias' tabs don't have a little icon like the others :)

(Actually 'Alias' should probably read 'Aliases')

EDIT: 'Other names' should be 'Other Names' and also needs an icon ;)

ENGLISH / Re : Usability suggestions: Aries Editor
« on: October 13, 2019, 19:02:05 »
OK, both dragging issues seem to be related to the number of items in the Gallery tab; no items resize speed is fine, few items slower, 10+ items incredibly slow. Maybe they are being re-read each time??

EDIT: If I have the Events or Parents&Siblings tabs selected (for example) there is no issue with resizing the window. It's definitely confined to the Gallery tab.

ENGLISH / Re: Usability suggestions: Aries Editor
« on: October 13, 2019, 18:49:07 »
Awesome as usual :D

I'll try to narrow down the problem with resizing window/column headings.

ENGLISH / Re: Usability suggestions: Aries Editor
« on: October 13, 2019, 13:16:56 »
There's another slight problem I've noticed with Aries, although it could be related to the app as a whole. If I have views of say, the entities table and Aries side-by side, dragging the vertical window divider is incredibly slow (and the mouse cursor often 'loses it's grip' and I have to start dragging again). Exactly the same issue happens when trying to adjust the column widths in Aries' multimedia tab.

Adjusting column widths in the entities table doesn't suffer from this problem.



ENGLISH / Re : Usability suggestions: Aries Editor
« on: October 13, 2019, 12:29:16 »
Great, I'll look forward to this. Ancestris is very useable and now my first choice genealogy program - thanks to you and the team.  :)

« on: October 12, 2019, 19:37:20 »
Most PDFs in my family tree work as expected - they display a 'missing image' icon (camera in a red circle with line across) when previewed but open correctly in the default viewer. However one particular file gives me the error 'Format not supported. Please choose another fie' whenever I open the Gallery tab of the individual concerned, I don't even have to try opening the .pdf.

It's not the only multi-page .pdf in my tree, but it may be the only one where the page format is set to A4 landscape. The other PDFs I've looked at so far seem fine and the problem one opens externally with no issues.

EDIT: I have the same issue with another multi-page PDF (also in landscape format)

Any suggestions please?

Linux Mint 19.1 xfce 64 bit

ENGLISH / Re: Aries editor navigation issue
« on: October 12, 2019, 17:42:35 »
Great, will update tomorrow.

ENGLISH / Re: Usability suggestions: Aries Editor
« on: October 08, 2019, 07:44:16 »
Definitely better but may I suggest further improvement?

There's no need for the INDI number in the title as it is visible just below to the right.
I don't think there's any need to the birth/death symbols here; it's obvious what something like (1850-1920) means and it prevents a collection of symbols like the one in the attached screenshot when dates aren't known. In such cases you'd end up with ( - ) or (1750 - ) or ( - 1960) which is clearer IMHO
Should the font be a little bit bigger?

Much better anyway :D

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